Haunted Kimono (Enemy) | The Bazaar
Information on the Haunted Kimono Enemy in The Bazaar.
Haunted Kimono
100 HP | Day 1
Haunted Kimono Skills
Standardized Defenses : Your Medium Shield items have (+6/+18/+36/+60) shield.
Haunted Kimono Items
Haunted Kimono is an Enemy in The Bazaar which can appear from Day 1.
Haunted Kimono Detailed View
Haunted Kimono Skills (Detailed)
Haunted Kimono Items (Detailed)
Small | Shield
Passive Item.
When you sell this, give your leftmost Shield item (+3/+6/+12/+24) Shield.
Medium | Shield
Cooldown: 7 Seconds.
Shield (10/20/40/80).
When you sell another non-weapon item, this gains Shield (4/8/12/16).
Small | Shield
Passive Item.
When you sell this, give your leftmost Shield item (+3/+6/+12/+24) Shield.