The Bazaar Items & Cards List

List of all Items in The Bazaar that you can Search and Filter.

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AbacusS4Shield equal to (1x/2x) the value of the adjacent items.Tool Shield EconomyP
Agility BootsS0Adjacent items have (+3%/+6%/+9%/+12%) Crit chance. When you sell this, your items gain (+1%/+2%/+3%/+4%) Crit Chance.CritC
Alpha RayS5Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. When you use the Core or another Ray, your Weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) Damage for the fight.Weapon DamageD
AmberS5Slow (1/2/3) items for 3 second(s). Your other Slow items have +1 Slow.SlowM
AmbergrisS6Heal equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value. When you buy another Aquatic item, this gains (1/2/3/4) Value.Aquatic Economy Value HealV
AnchorM12Deal damage equal to (20%/30%) of your enemy's Max Health. When you use an adjacent item, this gains Haste for (2/4) second(s).Aquatic Weapon Damage HasteV
Angry Balloon BotM3Deal 10 damage. When you lose Shield, this gains damage equal to (10%/20%/40%) of the Shield lost.Friend Weapon Shield DamageD
Antimatter ChamberL10Destroy this and 3 small enemy items for the fight.D
Apropos ChapeauM5Shield (25/50/100). Adjacent weapons gain (10/20/30) damage for the fight.Shield DamageP
ArbalestM81 Ammo. Deal (50/100/200) damage. When you Haste, this gains (25/50/75) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage HasteV
Arc BlasterS8Deal 40 damage. When you use the Core, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Weapon DamageD
Arken's RingS0When you sell this, recover 5 Prestige.C
Armored CoreM6Shield (15/30/60/120). Give Shield items to the right of this (+5/+10/+20/+40) Shield for the fight. When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s).Core Unsellable Shield ChargeD
AstrolabeM6Shield 20. Haste a non-weapon item for 2 second(s). When you use another non-weapon item, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Tool Shield HasteV
AthanorL5Burn (2/4/6/8). Poison (1/2/3/4). Reload your Potions 1 Ammo.Property Burn Poison AmmoM
Atlas StoneM6Deal 1 damage. Double this item's damage for the fight.Weapon DamageP
AtlatlM10Deal (20/40/60/80) damage. This item's cooldown is reduced by 1% for every 2 damage it has.Weapon Damage CooldownP
ATMM3Shield equal to (1/2/3/4) time(s) your Income. When you buy this, gain (+1/+2/+3/+5) Income.Property Income Economy ShieldP
Atomic ClockM13 Ammo. Increase an enemy item's cooldown by (1/2/3) seconds for the fight.Tool AmmoD
Bag of JewelsS0Sells for goldC
BalconyM0The Property to the left of this has double value in combat and has its cooldown reduced by (10%/20%/30%).Property Value CooldownP
BallistaL102 Ammo. Deal (100/200) damage. When you use another item with Ammo, this gains 1 Multicast for the fight.Weapon Damage AmmoV
Balloon BotM4When you use the weapon to the right of this, this gains (10/20/30) Shield for the fight. Shield (20/40/80).Friend ShieldD
BandagesS4Heal (5/10/20/40). Shield (5/10/20/40).Heal ShieldP
Bar of GoldS0Sells for goldPassive NonWeaponC
Barbed WireS4Deal (5/10/20) damage. When you Shield, this gains (5/10/20) Damage for the fight.Weapon Damage ShieldD
BarrelM4Shield (5/10/20/40). When you use a non-weapon item, this gains (5/10/15/20) Shield for the fight.ShieldV
Basilisk FangS3Lifesteal 100 Deal (10/20) damage. While your enemy has Poison, this has (+25%/+50%) Crit Chance for the fight.Weapon Damage CritM
BatteryS44 Ammo. Charge the item to the left of this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Tool Ammo ChargeD
BayonetS0When you use the Weapon to the left of this, deal (5/10/20/40) damage.Weapon DamageV
Beach BallM4Haste (1/2/3/4) Aquatic item(s) for 2 second(s).Aquatic HasteV
Beast of BurdenL10Deal (20/40/80/160) damage. When you buy another item, this gains (10/20/30/40) damage.Weapon Friend Vehicle DamageP
BeehiveM0When your enemy uses a weapon, charge your Busy Bees 2 second(s). When you buy a Property, get a Busy Bee and give your Busy Bees (+5/+10/+15) damage.Property Damage ChargeP
BellelistaM8Deal 30 damage. When you Haste, this gains (30/40/50) damage for the fight. When this gains Haste, charge it (1/2/3) second(s).Friend Weapon Damage HasteD
BeltM0You have (+50%/+75%/+100%) Max Health.HealthP
Beta RayS6Freeze 1 small item for (1/2) second(s). When you use the Core or another Ray, charge this 1 second.FreezeD
Bill DozerL5Deal (10/20/40) damage. When you use another Friend, this gains (10/20/30) damage for the fight. Your other Friends' cooldowns are reduced by (10%/20%/30%).Friend Vehicle Weapon Damage CooldownD
BillboardL0Your Properties have (+25%/+50%) Crit Chance. At the start of each day, your items gain (1/2) value.Property Crit Economy ValueP
Black PepperS7Multicast 2 Burn (2/3/4). Charge adjacent items (1/2/3) second(s).Food Burn ChargeJ
Black RoseS6Heal (10/20/40/80). When you Poison, this gains (+5/+10/+15/+20) Heal for the fight.Heal PoisonM
Blast DoorsM20Shield (100/200/300/400). When your opponent uses a Weapon or Burn item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s). The first time you fall below half health each fight, use this.ShieldD
Blow TorchS6Burn (2/4/6/8).Tool BurnS
BlowgunS6Deal 2 damage. Poison equal to this item's damage.Weapon Damage PoisonV
Blue GumballS0When you sell this, your items gain (+1%/+2%/+3%/+4%) Crit Chance.CritC
Blue Piggles AS3Adjacent items gain (2%/4%/6%/8%) Crit Chance for the fight.CritP
Blue Piggles LS3The item to the left of this gains (4%/8%/12%/16%) Crit Chance for the fight.CritP
Blue Piggles RS3The item to the right of this gains (4%/8%/12%/16%) Crit Chance for the fight.CritP
Blue Piggles XS3Your items gain (+1%/+2%/+3%/+4%) Crit Chance for the fight.CritP
BluenanasS9Heal (10/20/40/80). When you sell this, gain (20/60/120/200) Max Health.Food Heal HealthC
BlunderbussM46 Ammo. Deal 100 damage. When you Burn, charge this (1/2) second(s).Weapon Damage Ammo BurnV
BolasS42 Ammo. Deal (20/40/80/160) damage. Slow 1 item for (2/3/4/5) second(s).Weapon Damage Ammo SlowV
Bomb SquadS8Burn 5. When you use an adjacent friend, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Friend BurnD
Booby TrapM6Freeze an item for (1/2/3) second(s). When you use a Property, Charge this 1 second(s).FreezeP
BootstrapsM0Every 50 you spend, upgrade an item of a lower tier. [Gold Spent: 0]P
Bottled LightningS51 Ammo. Deal (25/75/150/250) damage. Burn (4/6/8/10).Potion Weapon Damage Burn AmmoM
Brass KnucklesS8Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. This has double damage.Weapon DamageP
Brick BuddyM5Shield (20/40/80/160). When you use an adjacent Friend, this gains (10/20/30/40) Shield for the fight.Vehicle Friend ShieldD
BriefcaseM4Deal (10/20/40/80) damage. When you sell this, get 2 Spare Change.Weapon Damage EconomyP
Broken ShacklesS6Your weapons gain (2/4/8) damage for the fight. When you use a Weapon, charge this 1 second(s).Damage CooldownC
Bulky PackageM0Farai will return for thisUnsellable Active NonWeaponC
BunkerL0When you take damage from an item, Shield equal to (30%/40%/50%) of the damage dealt.Property ShieldD
BushelM4Heal 20. When you Shield, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Heal ShieldP
Business CardS0When you visit a Merchant, this gains (1/2/3) value. For every 5 Merchants you visit, upgrade this. [Merchants Visited: 0]ValueP
Busy BeeS6Deal (5/10/20) damage.Weapon Friend DamageC
ButterS7Haste 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s). For each adjacent Tool or Food item, this gains +1 Multicast.Food HasteJ
Butterfly SwordsS7Multicast (2/3/4) Deal 5 damage.Weapon DamageV
CaltropsM0When your enemy uses an item, deal 1 damage.Weapon DamageP
Candy MailM410 Ammo. Adjacent Shield items permanently gain (+1/+2/+3/+4) Shield. This permanently loses 1 Max Ammo and destroy this if it has 0 Max Ammo.Food Shield AmmoC
CannonM42 Ammo. Deal (25/50/100/200) damage. Burn (3/6/9/12).Weapon Damage Ammo BurnV
CannonadeL6Deal 100 Damage. When you use a Weapon, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Weapon DamageV
CannonballS0Adjacent items have (+1/+2/+3/+4) Max Ammo.AmmoV
CapacitorS7Charge adjacent items 1 second(s).ChargeD
Captain's WheelM4Haste adjacent items for 2 second(s). When you use a Vehicle or Large item, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Aquatic Tool HasteV
Cargo ShortsM0When you buy, sell or upgrade this, get 1 Candy and 1 Spare Change.EconomyP
Cash CannonM6Deal (50/100/200) damage. When you gain gold, this gains + damage equal to (1x/2x/3x) the amount of gold gained.Weapon Damage EconomyP
Cash RegisterM0At the start of each day, get 2 Spare Change.Tool EconomyP
CatalystS0When you use the item to the left of this, haste the item to the right of this for (1/2/3) second(s).HasteM
CatfishS6Poison (1/2/3/4). When this gains Haste, this gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Poison for the fight.Aquatic Friend Poison HasteV
CauldronM4Burn (2/4/6). Poison (1/2/3).Tool Burn PoisonM
Char ColeS8Burn (1/2/3). When you use another friend, this gains (1/2/3) Burn for the fight.Friend BurnD
Charging StationM0When you use the item to the left of this, charge the item to the right for (1/2) second(s). When you use the Core, give it (+20/+40) damage for the fight.Tool Charge DamageD
ChemsnailM4Poison (3/6/9/12). Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).Friend Poison SlowD
Chocolate BarS0When you sell this, gain (10/20/30/40) Max Health.Food HealthC
Chris Army KnifeS5Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. Shield (5/10/20/40).Friend Weapon Tool Damage ShieldD
ChronobarrierM6Shield (50/100). Enemy item cooldowns are increased by (1/2).Shield CooldownD
ChumS4Your Aquatic items gain (2%/3%/4%/5%) Crit Chance for the fight. When you buy this, get a Piranha.Aquatic CritV
CindersS0When you sell this, your leftmost Burn item gains (+1/+2/+4) Burn.BurnC
CitrusS0When you sell this, gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration.RegenC
ClameraS9Slow (1/2/3/4) item(s) for 1 second(s). At the start of each fight, use this.Aquatic SlowV
Claw ArmM4Deal 25 damage. When this gains Haste, this and the weapon to the left gains (5/10) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage HasteD
ClawrenceM5Deal (10/20/40) damage. When you use a Friend, this gains (10/20/30) damage for the fight.Friend Weapon DamageD
ClawsS4Deal (10/20/40/80) Damage. This deals double Crit damage.Weapon DamageC
Clockwork BladesM6Deal (20/40/80/160) damage. When you sell this, reduce your items' cooldown by (1%/2%/3%/4%).Weapon Damage CooldownC
Closed SignM0You have Regeneration equal to (1x/2x) adjacent properties' values. [0]Economy RegenP
CoconutS0When you sell this, gain (10/20/30/40) Max Health.HealthC
CogS4Haste an adjacent item for (1/2/3) second(s).Tool HasteD
Colossal PopsicleL8Deal (50/100/200) damage. Freeze 2 items for (1/2/3) second(s). When you sell this, gain 2 Icicles.Weapon Food Damage FreezeC
Combat CoreL4Deal (20/40/80) damage. Shield (20/40/80). When you use any item to the left of this, this gains (10/20/30) Damage for the fight. When you use any item to the right of this, this gains (10/20/30) Shield for the fight.Core Weapon Vehicle Damage ShieldD
Companion CoreM6Haste your other friends (1/2/3/4) second(s). When you use another Friend, Charge this 1 second(s).Core Friend Unsellable Haste ChargeD
Concealed DaggerS8Deal (12/24/48) damage. Gain (1/2/3) gold.Weapon Damage GoldV
CookiesS5When you sell this, you lose (10/20/30/40) Max Health. When you sell this, gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration.FoodJ
Cool LEDsS4Slow 1 item for 2 second(s). When you use the Core, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).SlowD
CoolantS6Freeze 1 small item for (1/2/3/4) second(s). Cleanse half your Burn.FreezeD
Cooling FanS5Give the Core (+5%/+10%/+15%) Crit Chance for the fight. While either player has Burn, reduce this item's cooldown by 50%.Crit BurnD
Copper EdS6Poison (1/2/3/4). Shield (5/10/15/20).Friend Poison ShieldD
CoralS4Heal (5/10/20/40). When you buy an Aquatic item, this gains Heal (3/6/9/12).Aquatic HealV
Coral ArmorM5Shield (10/20/40/80). When you buy another Aquatic item, this gains (5/10/15/20) Shield.Aquatic ShieldV
Cosmic AmuletS8Shield (50/100). When this gains haste, your items gain (+3%/+5%) crit chance for the fight.Shield Crit HasteC
Cosmic PlumageM6Your Shield items gain (+4/+8/+12) Shield and your Weapons (+4/+8/+12) damage for the fight. When you crit, charge this 1 second(s).Crit Shield DamageC
CoveL3Shield equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value. When you sell an item, this gains (1/1/1/2) value.Aquatic Property Shield Value EconomyV
CraneL10Deal (100/200) damage. When you use an adjacent Large item, this gains (30%/60%) damage for the fight. When you use an adjacent Medium item, this gains (20%/40%) damage for the fight.Vehicle Weapon Tool DamageD
Critical CoreM6Deal (10/20/40/80) damage. This and items to the right of this have (+15%/+20%/+25%/+30%) Crit Chance. When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s). When you Crit with any item, Charge this 1 second(s).Core Weapon Unsellable Damage CritD
CrookM5Deal (10/20/40) damage. Your Medium Weapons have (+10/+20/+40) Damage for each Medium item you have.Tool Weapon Damage DamageP
Crow's NestL0Your weapons have (+20%/+40%/+60%/+80%) Crit Chance. If you have exactly one weapon, that Weapon has lifesteal.Property Aquatic CritV
Crusher ClawM8Deal damage equal to the highest Shield value of items you have. Your Shield items gain (+2/+4/+6/+8) Shield for the fight.Weapon Aquatic Damage ShieldC
CryosleeveM6Freeze this for 2 second(s). Shield (15/30/45/60). When ANY item gains Freeze, Charge this 1 second(s).Freeze ShieldC
CryosphereM10Freeze all items other than The Core for (2/3) second(s).Tool FreezeD
CryptoS0At the start of each hour, set this item's value to a number between 0 and (5/10/20/40).ValueD
Crystal BonsaiS4Heal equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value. At the start of each fight with Crystal Bonsai, this gains (2/4/6/8) value. When you lose a fight with Crystal Bonsai, this item loses all of its value.Heal Economy ValueP
CurryS8Burn (4/6/8). Charge another small item (3/4/5) second(s).Food Burn ChargeJ
CutlassM5Multicast 2 Deal (6/12/24/48) damage. This deals double Crit damage.Weapon Damage CritV
CybersecurityM10Deal (15/30/60) damage for each Weapon you have. This deals (2/3/4) time(s) damage if it is your only friend.Friend Weapon DamageD
DamL24Destroy this and all smaller items for the fight. When you use another Aquatic item, charge this (1/2) second(s).Aquatic PropertyV
Death CapsM5Poison (1/2). Increase the poison of your items by (1/2) for the fight.Poison PoisonM
DeedM0When you sell a Large item, this gains (2/4/6) Sell Value. Your items have double value in combat.ValueP
Diana-SaurM8Deal (40/80/160) damage. If your enemy has at least (6/5/4) items, destroy a small enemy item for the fight. When you destroy an item during combat, your Dinosaurs permanently gain (10/15/20) damage.Weapon Friend DamageD
DisguiseM0When you buy this, get a non-Vanessa item. Your items from other Heroes have (+15%/+30%/+50%) Crit Chance.CritV
DishwasherL8Haste your tools for (1/2/3/4) second(s). Your Weapons gain (+10/+20/+40/+80) damage for the fight.Tool Damage HasteJ
DJ Rob0tM10Haste your Friends for (1/2/3) second(s). When you buy this, get 3 Nanobots.Friend HasteD
Dock LinesM4Slow (1/2/3/4) item(s) for 3 second(s).Tool Aquatic SlowV
DogM6Deal (10/20/40/80) Damage When you sell a small item, this gains (3/6/9/12) damage.Weapon Friend DamageP
Dooley's ScarfM4Shield (40/80/160). When this or an adjacent item gains Freeze, remove it.Shield FreezeD
Double BarrelM32 Ammo. Multicast 2 Deal (20/40/80/160) damage.Weapon Damage AmmoV
Double WhammyL12Multicast 2 Deal damage equal to (10%/15%/20%) of your Max Health.Weapon Damage HealthP
Dragon ToothS9Deal (10/20) damage. At the start of each fight with Dragon Tooth, spend 3 gold and your weapons permanently gain (5/10) damage.Weapon Damage Gold DamageP
Dragon WhelpS9Deal (1/2/3) damage. Burn equal to this item's damage.Weapon Friend Burn DamageC
Duct TapeS6Shield (5/10/20/40). Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s). When you use an adjacent item, Charge this 1000.Tool Shield SlowD
Eagle TalismanS0When you sell this, your leftmost item gains (5%/10%/15%/20%) Crit Chance.CritC
EarringsS6Gain 5 Max Health for the fight. When you Slow, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Health SlowM
EctoplasmS6Poison (1/2/3). Heal equal to your opponent's Poison.Poison HealC
Electric EelsL6Deal 10 Damage. Slow 1 item for 2 second(s). When your enemy uses an item, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Aquatic Weapon Friend Damage SlowV
EmeraldS6Poison (1/2/3). Increase your other items' Poison by 1.Poison PoisonM
Energy PotionS41 Ammo. Haste your items for (2/4/6/8) second(s).Potion Haste AmmoM
Epicurean ChocolateM410 Ammo. Adjacent Weapons permanently gain (+1/+2/+3/+4) Damage. This permanently loses 1 Max Ammo and destroy this if it has 0 Max Ammo.Food Damage AmmoC
ExoskeletonM0Adjacent Weapons have (+5/+10/+20/+40) damage. When you sell this, your weapons gain (2/4/6/8) damage.DamageC
ExtractS0When you sell this, your leftmost Poison item gains (+1/+2/+4) Poison.PoisonC
Eye of the ColossusL10Destroy an enemy item for the fight. When you use an adjacent item, charge this 1 second(s).Tool ChargeC
FangS4Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.Weapon DamageC
FeatherS0When you sell this, reduce your items' cooldowns by (2%/4%/6%/8%).CooldownC
Fiber OpticsS0When you use your leftmost item, charge your rightmost item (1/2) second(s).ChargeD
FigureheadM0Aquatic items to the left of this have their cooldowns reduced by (10%/20%/30%). Weapons to the right of this have (+25/+50/+100) damage.Aquatic Damage CooldownV
Fire ClawM6Burn (3/6/9/12). This has + Burn equal to the Burn of your non-Fire Claw items. [0]BurnM
Fire PotionS51 Ammo. Burn (6/9/12/15).Potion Burn AmmoM
First AidenS3Heal (10/20/40/80). Haste 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).Friend Heal HasteD
Fishing NetM8Slow (1/2/3/4) item for 3 second(s). At the start of each day, get a Piranha.Aquatic Tool SlowV
Fishing RodM8Haste the Aquatic item to the right for (2/3/4/5) second(s). At the start of each day, get a Small aquatic item.Aquatic Tool HasteV
Fixer UpperL3Shield equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value. At the start of each day, upgrade this.Property Shield EconomyP
FlagshipL6Deal (25/50/100) damage. If you have another Tool, Ammo, Property or Friend this has +1 Multicast for each.Aquatic Vehicle Weapon Damage AmmoV
FlailM6Multicast 3 Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.Weapon DamageP
FlambergeL8Deal 200 damage. This deals quadruple crit damage.Weapon DamageC
FlamethrowerM5Deal (2/4) damage. Burn equal to (1/2) time(s) this item's damage.Weapon Tool Burn DamageD
FlashbangS61 Ammo. Slow all enemy items for (3/4/5) second(s).Ammo SlowS
Focused CoreM6Charge the item to the right of this (1/2/3/4) second(s). Haste the item to the right of this (1/2/3/4) second(s). When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Core Unsellable Haste ChargeD
Force FieldL4Shield (10/20/40/80). Deal damage equal to your shield.Weapon Shield DamageD
ForkliftL10Deal (50/100) damage for each item to the left of this. Haste this and the items on the right of this for (2/4) second(s).Vehicle Tool Weapon Damage HasteD
FortL4Shield 20. Enemy item cooldowns are increased by (1/2) second(s). When you use another item, Charge this (1/2) second(s).Property ShieldP
Fossilized FemurL12Deal 300 damage. When you Slow, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s) and this gains (+25/+50/+75) Damage for the fight.Weapon Damage SlowM
Frost PotionS51 Ammo. Freeze (1/2/3) item(s) for 1 second(s).Potion Ammo FreezeM
Frozen BludgeonM12Deal (15/30/60/120) damage. Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s). When you Freeze, your weapons gain (4/6/8/10) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage FreezeC
Gamma RayS6Poison (2/3/4). When you use the Core or another Ray, adjacent Poison items gain (1/2/3) Poison for the fight.PoisonD
GanjoM4Adjacent weapons gain (5/10/15/20) Damage for the fight. Adjacent Heal items gain (5/10/15/20) Heal for the fight. Adjacent Shield items gain (5/10/15/20) Shield for the fight.Heal Shield DamageP
Gatling GunM4Deal (50/100) damage. Reduce this item's cooldown by (10%/20%) for the fight.Weapon DamageS
GavelS8Deal (500/1000) damage to the player with less health.Weapon Damage HealthP
Gearnola BarS42 Ammo. Shield (20/40/80/120). When you sell a Tool, this gains +1 Max Ammo.Shield AmmoD
Genie LampS0When you sell this, gain access to the genie Rit.Passive NonWeaponC
Giant Ice ClubL12Deal 1000 damage. When any item gains Freeze, Charge this (3/6) second(s). The first time you fall below half health each fight, Freeze 1 item(s) for 99 second(s).Weapon Damage FreezeP
GlandS0When you sell this, gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration.RegenC
GlobeM0At the start of each day, gain (100/200/300) Max Health.Tool HealthP
GogglesS7Shield (15/30/60/120). When this gains Haste, your items gain (+2%/+4%/+6%/+8%) Crit chance for the fight.Tool Shield Crit HasteS
Golf ClubsM7Deal (20/40/80/160) damage. When you Heal, this gains (5/10/15/20) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage HealP
GPUS4Haste the Core for (1/2/3/4) second(s).HasteD
GrapeshotS32 Ammo. Deal (15/30/60) damage. When you use another item with Ammo, this reloads 1 ammo.Weapon Damage AmmoV
Grappling HookS6Deal (10/20/40) damage. Slow 1 item for (3/4/5) second(s).Weapon Tool Damage SlowV
Green GumballS0When you sell this, gain (10/20/30/40) Max Health.HealthC
GrenadeS41 Ammo. Crit Chance 25% Deal (30/60/120/240) damage.Weapon Damage AmmoV
GrindstoneM3Give the weapon to the left of this (+10/+20/+30) damage for the fight.Tool DamageP
Gumball MachineM5Shield (10/20/30). At the start of each hour, spend 2 gold to get a Gumball.Shield GoldP
GunpowderS0When you sell this, your leftmost item with Ammo gains (1/2/3) Max Ammo.AmmoC
HacksawM6Deal (25/50) damage. The first time you use this each fight, destroy a small enemy item for the fight.Weapon Tool DamageD
Hakurvian LauncherL82 Ammo. Deal (75/150/300/600) damage. When this gains Haste, it also gains (5%/10%/15%/20%) Crit Chance for the fight.Weapon Haste Damage CritC
HaladieS6Multicast 2 Deal (4/8/16/32) damage.Weapon DamageP
HammerS9Deal (20/40/80) damage. When you Level Up, if you have at least 3 tools, upgrade an item of a lower tier.Weapon Tool DamageS
HammletS8Deal 15 damage. When you Slow, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Friend Weapon Tool Damage SlowD
HammockM12Heal (100/200). This item's cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds for each adjacent large item.Heal CooldownP
HandaxeS7Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. Your weapons have (+3/+6/+9/+15) damage.Weapon Damage DamageV
HarmadilloM6Deal 60 damage. When you Shield, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second.Friend Weapon Shield DamageD
HarpoonM81 Ammo. Destroy a small item.Aquatic AmmoV
HatchetS5Deal (6/12/24/48) damage. When you buy this, get a Spare Change.Weapon Tool Damage EconomyP
HemlockS6Poison (2/3/4/5).PoisonM
HogwashL4Heal equal to (4%/8%/12%) of your Max Health. When you Heal, gain (10/20/40) Max Health for the fight.Property Heal HealthP
HolstersS0At the start of each fight, your Small items gain Haste for (1/2/3) second(s).HasteV
Honing SteelS4Give the weapon to the right of this (+5/+10/+15/+20) damage for the fight.Tool DamageV
Hot SpringsL5Heal (25/50/100/200). When you sell this, your Heal items gain (+10/+20/+30/+40) Heal.HealC
Hydraulic SqueezerM9Deal (30/60/120) damage. Your weapons gain (3/6/9) damage for the fight. When you use another Tool, Charge this 1 second(s).Tool Weapon DamageS
Ice 9000M8Poison (2/4/6/8). Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s). When you Freeze, this gains (1/2/3/4) Poison for the fight.Friend Freeze PoisonD
Ice Cream TruckL6Freeze 1 item for (1/2/4) second(s). When you use another non-weapon item, charge this 1 second(s).Vehicle Freeze ChargeP
Ice CubesS9Freeze 3 small items for (1/2) second(s).Food FreezeJ
Ice PickS7Deal (20/40/80) damage. Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s). When you Freeze, this gains (5/10/15) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage FreezeV
IcebergL0When your enemy uses an item, Freeze it for 1 second(s).Aquatic Property FreezeV
IcebreakerM6Deal 80 damage. Remove Freeze from your items. When any item gains freeze, charge this (1/2/3) second(s). When this item gains Freeze, remove Freeze from it.Weapon Tool Damage FreezeC
IcicleS0At the start of each fight, freeze 1 item for (3/4/5/6) second(s).FreezeC
IglooL6Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s). Shield (50/100/200). The first time you fall below half health each fight, use this.Property Freeze ShieldP
Ignition CoreM6Burn (6/9/12/15). Burn items to the right of this gain (1/2/3/4) Burn for the fight. When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s).Core Unsellable Burn ChargeD
IllusoRayS7Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s). For each adjacent Friend, this has +1 Multicast.Aquatic Friend SlowV
Improvised BludgeonM7Deal (20/40/80/160) damage. Slow 2 items for (3/4/5/6) second(s). When you sell this, your leftmost Slow item gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Slow.Weapon Damage SlowC
Incendiary RoundsS6Burn 3. When you use an adjacent item, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).BurnV
IncenseS8Slow 1 item for (4/5/6) second(s). Heal (20/40/80).Heal SlowM
Induction AegisS4Shield (5/10/20/40). Burn (1/2/3/5).Shield BurnD
Infernal GreatswordL8Deal 2 damage. Burn equal to this item's damage. This gains Damage equal to your enemy's Burn for the fight.Weapon Damage BurnC
Insect WingS0When you sell this, reduce your leftmost item's cooldown by (3%/6%/9%/12%).CooldownC
Isochoric FreezerS4Freeze a small item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).FreezeD
Jaballian DrumL0When you use a weapon, your weapons gain (1/2/3) Damage for the fight. When you use a Weapon, Haste it for (1/2/3) second(s).Haste DamageP
Jaballian LongbowM8Multicast 2 Deal (30/60/120/240) damage. This has +1 Multicast if you have more health than your enemy.Weapon Damage HealthP
JavelinM52 Ammo. Deal (75/150/300) damage. When you Haste, Reload this 1 Ammo.Weapon Damage Ammo HasteV
JellyfishS8Poison (1/2/3/4). When you use an adjacent Aquatic item, this gains Haste for (1/2/3/4) second(s).Aquatic Friend Poison HasteV
JewelryS3Shield equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value.Shield EconomyP
JitteS5Deal (5/10/15) damage. Slow 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s). When you slow, this gains (5/10/20) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage SlowV
Junkyard CatapultL61 Ammo. Deal (25/50/100) damage. Burn (6/8/10). Poison (4/6/8)Weapon Damage Burn PoisonC
Junkyard ClubM10Deal (30/60/120/240) damage. When you sell this, your weapons gain (4/6/8/10) damage.Weapon Damage DamageC
Junkyard LanceL10Deal (15/30/60/100) damage for each Small item you have (including Stash).Weapon DamageC
Junkyard RepairbotM7Heal (30/60/120/240). When you sell this, your leftmost Heal item gains (+5/+15/+30/+50) Heal.Friend HealC
KatanaM2Deal (4/8/16/32) damage.Weapon DamageV
KeychainS12Use a property.P
Kinetic CannonL8Deal 100 damage. When you use a Small item, this gains (10/20/40) damage for the fight.Weapon DamageD
Knee BraceS0After you fight a player with this in play, gain (100/200/300/400) Max Health.HealthC
Knife SetM5Deal 30 damage. When you use a weapon, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Weapon Tool DamageJ
KukriS8Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. When you heal, this gains (3/6/9/12) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage HealP
LandscraperL8Shield equal to this item's value. When you use another item, charge this (1/2/3) second(s). At the start of each hour, this gains (+1/+2/+3) value.Property Shield Value EconomyP
LangxianM10Deal (25/50/100/200) damage. When you win a fight with Langxian in play, this gains (25/50/75/100) damage.Weapon DamageV
Laser PistolS4Deal (6/12/24/48) damage.Weapon DamageD
Laser Security SystemS8Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. When you use a property, this gains (10/20/30/40) damage for the fight.Weapon DamageP
LeechesM6Lifesteal 100 Deal (5/10/20/40) Damage. When you poison, this gains (5/10/15/20) damage for the fight.Friend Weapon Damage PoisonM
Lemonade StandL6Heal equal to (5%/10%/15%) of your Max Health. When you sell a Small item, gain (+10/+20/+40) Max Health.Property Heal HealthP
LensS6Give the core (+5/+10) damage for the fight. When this gains haste, charge it (1/2) second(s).Damage Haste ChargeD
Life PreserverM6Shield (10/20/40/80). The first time you would die each fight, Heal (200/600/1200/2000).Aquatic Shield HealV
Lifting GlovesS4Your weapons gain (1/2/3/4) damage for the fight. When you sell this, your weapons gain (3/6/9/12) damage.Tool DamageC
LightbulbS3Adjacent items gain (2%/4%/6%/8%) Crit chance for the fight.CritD
LighterS3Burn (1/2/3/5).Tool BurnV
LighthouseL6Burn 12. When you Slow, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Property Aquatic BurnV
Lightning RodL10Deal (10/20) damage. Shield (10/20). When any player uses an item, this gains (10/20) damage and (10/20) shield for the fight.Weapon Damage ShieldS
Lion CaneM6Deal damage equal to (10%/20%) of your Max Health. When you Level Up, gain (100/200) Max Health.Weapon Damage HealthP
LockboxM0When you win a fight, this gains (1/2/3) value. Your weapons have + damage equal to this item's value. ([4]/[8]/[16])Economy Value DamageV
LoupeS0At the start of each day, your Small items gain (1/2) value.Tool ValueP
LoupeS0Your items have +1000 value.Tool ValueP
LumboarsM8Multicast 2 Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. Your weapons gain (2/4/6/8) damage for the fight.Weapon DamageP
Luxury TentsL0The first time you would die each fight, Heal for (25%/50%) of your Max Health. Your Heal items have +1 Multicast.Property Heal HealthP
Magic CarpetM4Crit Chance 25% Deal (5/10/20/40). When you Crit, this gains (5/10/15/20) damage for the fight.Vehicle Weapon Damage CritM
Magician's Top HatM0When you sell this, upgrade your leftmost item.C
Magma CoreS0At the start of each fight, Burn (6/9/12/15).BurnC
Magnifying GlassS5Deal (5/15/30/50) damage. When you sell this, your leftmost weapon gains (+5/+15/+30/+50) damage.Weapon Tool DamageC
Makeshift BarricadeM6Slow 1 items for (1/2/3/4) second(s). When you sell this, your leftmost Slow item gains (1/2/3/4) second to Slow.SlowC
Marble ScalemailM8Shield (20/60/120/200). When you sell this, your Shield items gain (3/6/9/12) Shield.ShieldC
MarblesS4Slow 2 Small item for 2 second(s). When you use an adjacent item, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).SlowP
MasterpieceM0At the start of each hour, this gains (1/2/3) value.ValueP
MatchboxS4Burn 3. When you use a non-weapon item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).BurnP
Mech-MolesM6Deal (25/50/100) damage. When this gains Haste, your weapons gain (2/3/4) damage for the fight. When this gains Haste, your Shield items gain (2/3/4) shield for the fight.Friend Weapon Damage Haste ShieldD
Med KitS0When you sell this, your leftmost Heal item gains (5/10/20/40) Heal.HealC
Memory CardS10This gains 1 Value. When you sell this, give The Core + Damage equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value. (1/4/12/32)Value DamageD
MetronomeS0When you use an adjacent item, give the other adjacent item haste for (1/2/3) second(s).HasteD
Micro DaveM6Burn 6. When you use a small item, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Friend BurnD
Miss IslesM31 Ammo. Multicast 2 Deal (10/20/40) damage. When you use the Core, reload this.Weapon Friend Damage AmmoD
Model ShipM4Shield 20. When you use an adjacent item, charge this (1/2/3) seconds.Aquatic Vehicle ShieldP
Momma-SaurL8Deal (200/400) damage. If your enemy has at least (5/4) items, destroy a small or medium enemy item for the fight. When you destroy an item during combat, your Dinosaurs permanently gain (25/50) damage.Friend Weapon DamageD
Money TreeL5Heal (10/20/30/40). When you Level Up, get a Spare Change. When you sell a Spare Change, this gains (10/20/30/40) Heal.Property Heal EconomyP
Monitor LizardM8Poison (6/8/10/12). When you Haste, this gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Poison for the fight.Friend Poison HasteD
MonocleS6Shield equal to (1x/2x/3x) your gold.Tool Shield EconomyP
Mortal CoilM8Lifesteal 100 Deal (50/100) damage. The weapon to the left of this has lifesteal.Weapon Tool Damage LifestealC
Mortar & PestleM8Give your Lifesteal Weapons (+5/+10/+15/+20) damage for the fight. The weapon on the right has Lifesteal.Tool DamageM
MotherboardM5Haste the Core for (2/3/4) second(s). When the Core gains Haste, give it (+10/+20/+30) damage for the fight.Damage HasteD
MultitoolS4Haste another item for (1/2/3/4) second(s). Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).Tool Haste SlowS
MusketM51 Ammo. Crit Chance 100% Deal (50/100/200) damage. When you Burn, reload this 1 ammo.Weapon Damage Ammo BurnV
MyrrhS5Crit Chance 25% Heal (10/20/40/80).HealM
NanobotsS6Deal (5/15/30/50) damage for each Small Friend you have.Friend Weapon DamageC
NarwhalS4Deal (4/12/24/40) damage.Aquatic Weapon Friend DamageV
NecronomiconM4Poison 10. Gain 10 Regeneration for the fight. When any non-weapon is used, Charge this 1 second(s).Poison RegenC
Nesting DollS28 Ammo. Shield equal to this item's Ammo. At the start of each day, this gains (1/2/3) Max Ammo.Shield AmmoV
Neural ToxinS6Slow 1 item for 2 second(s). When you use an adjacent weapon, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).SlowC
NightshadeM4Poison (2/4/6/8). When you Heal, this gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Poison for the fight.Poison HealM
NitroS4Burn both players (4/6/8). Charge an item (1/2/3) second(s).Burn ChargeD
Nitrogen HammerM8Deal (25/50) damage. Freeze 1 item for (1/2) second(s). When you freeze, this gains (25/50) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage FreezeD
Noxious PotionS31 Ammo. Poison both players (4/6/8/10).Potion Poison AmmoM
OctopusM8Multicast 8 Deal 8 damage.Aquatic Weapon Friend DamageC
OinkmentS5Heal equal to (1x/2x/3x) your gold.Heal EconomyP
Old SwordS4Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. When you sell this, your leftmost weapon gains (+4/+6/+8/+10) Damage.Weapon Damage DamageC
Omega RayS6Burn (4/6/8). When you use the Core or another Ray, adjacent Burn items gain (1/2/3) Burn for the fight.BurnD
Open SignM0Weapon Properties adjacent to this have + Damage equal to (1x/2x) the value of your highest value item. [0] Shield Properties adjacent to this have + Shield equal to (1x/2x) the value of your highest value item. [0]Shield Economy DamageP
Orbital PolisherS7Adjacent Weapons gain (5/10) Damage for the fight. Adjacent Shield items gain (5/10) Shield for the fight.Tool Damage ShieldS
Ouroboros StatueM8Poison (2/4/6). When you Poison, gain (+1/+2/+3) Regeneration for the fight.Poison RegenM
Oven MittsM6Haste 1 item for 2 second(s). Shield 10. When you Burn, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Burn Shield HasteJ
PalanquinL0Your items have (+20%/+40%) Crit Chance. When you Crit with an item, reduce their cooldown by 10% for the fight.Vehicle Crit CooldownM
Pawn ShopL0When you sell an item, this gains (1/2/3) value. You have increased max health equal to (10/15/20) times this item's value. ([60]/[180]/[480])Property Health Value EconomyP
PearlS5Shield 20. When you use another Aquatic item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second.Aquatic ShieldV
PeltS0Sells for goldC
PendulumM8Haste your items for 2 second(s). When you Crit, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s). Adjacent items have (+10%/+20%/+30%/+40%) Crit Chance.Tool Crit HasteM
Pepper SprayS5Deal (5/15/30/50) damage. The first time you fall below half health each fight, slow all enemy items for (1/2/3/4) second(s).Weapon Damage SlowP
Pesky PeteS6Burn (4/6). For each adjacent Friend or Property, this gains (+4/+8) Burn.Friend BurnV
Pet RockS5Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. If this is your only friend, your items have (+5%/+10%/+15%/+20%) Crit Chance.Weapon Friend Damage CritV
PhonographM0The item to the left of this has its cooldown reduced by (25%/50%).CooldownP
Pickled PeppersM10Burn (5/10). When you Burn, this gains (5/10) Burn for the fight.Food BurnJ
Pierre ConditionerM5Freeze 1 item for 1 second(s). When you use the Core, Freeze an item for 1 second(s).Friend FreezeD
PigglesS7Charge adjacent Small items (1/2/3/4) second(s). When you win a fight, get a Piggle.ChargeP
PinataM0When you sell this, get 3 Chocolate Bars.P
PiranhaS5Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. This deals double Crit damage.Aquatic Weapon Damage CritV
Pistol SwordM33 Ammo. Deal (15/30) damage. When you use an item with Ammo, deal (15/30) damage.Weapon Damage AmmoV
Plasma GrenadeS81 Ammo. Burn both players (5/10/15/20). Slow all enemy items for (1/2/3/4) second(s).Burn Ammo SlowD
Plasma RifleM8Deal (50/100/200) damage. When you Burn, this gains (25/50/75) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage BurnD
Pop SnappersS33 Ammo. Burn (4/6/8/10).Burn AmmoV
Poppy FieldL6Poison (3/6/9/12). If you have no weapons, your items have their cooldowns reduced by (5%/10%/15%/20%).Property Poison CooldownM
PortL6Reload all your items (1/2/3) Ammo and charge them 1 second. At the start of each day, get a Small item with Ammo from any hero.Property Aquatic AmmoV
Powder FlaskS4Reload the item to the right of this (1/2/3/4) Ammo.Tool AmmoV
Powder KegM20Deal damage equal to (30%/40%/50%) of your enemy's Max Health and destroy this. When you Burn, charge this 2 second(s).Weapon Damage BurnV
Power DrillM10Deal (20/40/80/160) damage. When you Haste, Slow, Freeze, Burn or Poison, charge this 1 second(s).Weapon Tool Slow Burn FreezeD
Power SanderS4Adjacent weapons gain (3/6/9/12) damage for the fight. Adjacent Shield items gain (3/6/9/12) Shield for the fight.Tool Shield DamageD
ProboscisS4Deal 12 damage. When you Slow, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Weapon Damage SlowC
Propane TankM6Haste your Vehicles for (3/4/5) second(s). Burn both players (4/6/8). If you have a Vehicle, at the start of each fight, use this.Tool Burn HasteS
PufferfishM8Poison 6. When you Haste, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Aquatic Friend Poison HasteV
Pulse RifleM4Deal (10/20/40/80) damage. This has +1 Multicast if it is adjacent to a Friend. Double this if it is your only Friend.Weapon DamageD
Pygmalien's DaggerM4Deal damage equal to (1x/2x) this item's value. When you sell an item, this gains (1/2) value.Weapon Damage Economy ValueP
Pyg's GymL5Your weapons gain Damage equal to this item's value for the fight. When you buy a weapon, this gains (1/2/3) value and you gain (20/50/100) max health.Property Economy Health Value DamageP
PylonL3Slow 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s). When you Slow, Haste an item for (1/2/3) second(s).Property Slow HasteD
PyrocarbonM6Shield (75/150). When you gain Burn, Haste your items (1/2) second(s).Shield Haste BurnD
Race CarlM8Deal 60 damage When you Haste, charge this (1/2/3) seconds.Friend Weapon Vehicle Damage HasteD
RailgunL10Multicast 2 Deal (100/200/400) damage. When you use the Core or a Ray, charge this 3 second(s).Weapon DamageD
Rainbow PotionS71 Ammo. Burn (4/6). Poison (2/3). Freeze 1 item for (2/3) second(s). Slow 1 item for (4/6) second(s).Potion Burn Poison Freeze SlowM
RamrodM8Reload adjacent items with Ammo (1/2/3) Ammo and Haste them (1/2/3) second(s).Tool AmmoV
Red GumballS0When you sell this, your weapons gain (1/2/3/4) damage.DamageC
Red Piggles AS3Give your adjacent weapons (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.DamageP
Red Piggles LS3Give your weapon to the left of this (+4/+8/+12/+16) damage for the fight.DamageP
Red Piggles RS3Give your weapon to the right of this (+4/+8/+12/+16) damage for the fight.DamageP
Red Piggles XS3Your weapons gain (1/2/3/4) damage for the fight.DamageP
RefractorM7Deal 20 damage. When you Slow, Freeze, Burn or Poison, this gains (10/20/30) damage for the fight.Weapon Damage Poison Burn SlowM
Regal BladeM6Deal (10/20/40/80) damage. When you sell a Weapon, this gains (10/20/30/40) damage.Weapon DamageP
Remote ControlS10Use the Core.ToolD
RepeaterM66 Ammo. Deal 60 damage. When you use another item with Ammo, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Weapon Damage AmmoV
RevolverS36 Ammo. Crit Chance 20% Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. When you Crit, reload 2 Ammo.Weapon Damage Crit AmmoV
Rewards CardS0When you visit a Merchant, this and the item to the left of this gains (1/2/3/4) value.ValueP
RifleM21 Ammo. Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. When you use this, reload this 1 Ammo if it is your only weapon.Weapon Damage AmmoV
Ritual DaggerS4Lifesteal 100 Deal (14/20/28/40) damage.Weapon Damage ActiveM
Rivet GunS9Deal (20/40) Damage. When you use the item to the right of this, Charge the item to the left of this (1/2) second(s).Weapon Tool Damage ChargeS
RobeM6Shield (5/10/15). When you Shield, your Shield items gain (1/2/3) Shield for the fight.ShieldP
Robotic FactoryL0Your Friends have +1 Multicast.PropertyD
Rocket BootsM4Haste adjacent items for (1/2/3/4) second(s). When you sell this, give your leftmost Haste item (+1/+2/+3/+4) Haste.Tool HasteC
Rocket LauncherM6Multicast 3 Deal (10/20/40) damage. Burn (2/4/6).Weapon Burn Burn DamageD
Rolling PinM10Deal (10/20/40/80) Damage When this gains haste, give it (+10/+20/+40/+80) damage for the fight.Weapon Tool Damage HasteJ
RowboatM10Haste your Small items for (1/2) second(s). When you use an adjacent Aquatic item, Haste this (1/2) second(s).Aquatic Vehicle HasteV
RubyS10Burn (4/6/8). Increase your other items' Burn by 2.BurnM
Rune AxeS7Deal (15/30/60/120) damage. When you sell this, your weapons gain (+1/+2/+3/+4) Damage.Weapon Damage DamageC
Runic Double BowM6Multicast 2 Lifesteal 100 Crit Chance 10% Deal (10/20/40/80) Damage. This deals double Crit damage.Weapon DamageM
Runic Great AxeL10Lifesteal 100 Deal (20/40/60/80) damage. Your Weapons with lifesteal gain (+20/+40/+60/+80) damage for the fight.Weapon DamageM
SafeM0When you sell this, get 3 Spare Change.EconomyP
Salamander PupM8Burn (4/6/8/10). When you sell this, your leftmost Burn item gains (+3/+4/+5/+6) Burn.Friend BurnC
SapphireS8Freeze 1 item for (3/4/5) second(s). Increase your other items' Freeze by 1 second(s).FreezeM
SatchelM7Reload a potion. You have (4/8/12) Regeneration. When you buy a Potion, increase the Regeneration this item gives by (1/2/3).Tool Ammo RegenM
SchematicsM0Your tools and vehicles have (25%/50%) Crit Chance. When you use a Tool, Charge a Vehicle (1/2) second(s).Crit ChargeD
ScrapS0When you sell this, give your leftmost Shield item (+3/+6/+12/+24) Shield.ShieldC
Scrap MetalM0When you sell this, upgrade The Core. (/and reduce its cooldown by 1 second(s).)CooldownD
ScytheM10Deal damage equal to a third of your enemy's max health.Weapon DamageC
Sea ShellS5Shield (5/10/20/40) for each Aquatic item you have.Aquatic ShieldV
SeaweedS6Heal (10/20/40/80). When you use an Aquatic item, this gains (+5/+10/+15/+20) Heal for the fight.Aquatic HealV
Security CameraM8Shield (20/40/80/160). Your Shield items have (+20%/+30%/+40%/+50%) Crit Chance.Crit ShieldD
SextantM4Haste 1 item for 3 second(s). Adjacent items have (+15%/+30%/+50%) Crit Chance. When you Crit, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Aquatic Tool Crit HasteV
Shadowed CloakM0When you use the item to the right of this, Haste it for (1/2/3/4) second(s). If it is a weapon, it also gains (+3/+5/+7/+9) damage for the fight.Haste DamageC
SharkclawsM4Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. Your Weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.Aquatic Weapon DamageV
SharkrayM7Deal (10/20/40) damage. When you Haste, this gains (10/20/40) damage for the fight.Aquatic Weapon Friend Damage HasteV
Sharpening StoneS0When you sell this, your leftmost Weapon gains (5/10/15) Damage.DamageC
Shield PotionS41 Ammo. Shield (40/80/150/300).Potion Shield AmmoM
ShipmentL0When you sell this, get 3 Small items from any hero.EconomyP
ShipwreckL0Your Aquatic items have +1 Multicast.Aquatic VehicleV
Shoe BladeS6Crit Chance (15%/30%/50%/100%) Deal (10/20/40/80) damage.Weapon DamageV
ShovelM10Deal (20/40/80/160) damage. At the start of each day, get a small item from any hero.Weapon Tool DamageV
Signet RingS0At the start of each hour, gain (10/20/30) Max Health. You have (+1/+2/+3) Income.Income HealthP
SilencerS0The weapon to the left of this has (+10/+20/+30/+50) damage. If you have exactly one weapon, reduce its cooldown by (10%/20%/30%/40%).Damage CooldownV
SilkM7Shield (10/20/40/80). When you sell another non-weapon item, this gains Shield (4/8/12/16).ShieldP
SingularityS9Destroy a small enemy item for the fight.C
SirensM7Slow 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s). Haste 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s). For each adjacent Vehicle, this has +1 Multicast.Haste SlowS
SkyscraperL6Deal damage equal to 3 time(s) the value of your items. This has double value in combat. If you have 4 or fewer items in play, this has +1 Multicast.Property Weapon Damage Value EconomyP
Sleeping PotionS51 Ammo. Slow 2 items for (4/6/8/10) second(s).Potion Ammo SlowM
SlingshotS3Deal (15/30/60/120) damage. This has (+1/+2/+3/+4) Max Ammo for each small item you have. [0]Weapon Damage AmmoP
Sniper RifleM10Deal 100 damage. This deals (3/5/10) times more damage if it is your only weapon.Weapon DamageV
Snow GlobeM6Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s). This has +1 Multicast for each adjacent Property.Property FreezeP
SnowflakeS0When you sell this, give your leftmost Freeze item +1 second to Freeze.C
Solar FarmL8Haste your other items for 2 second(s). Gain 8 Regeneration for the fight. When you Burn, charge this for (1/2/3) seconds.Property Haste Burn RegenD
Soldering GunS5Burn (1/2/3). This has +1 Multicast if it is adjacent to a Friend. This has +1 Multicast if it is adjacent to a Tool.Tool BurnD
Soul of the DistrictM12Shield equal to your current Health. Deal damage equal to your shield.Weapon Shield DamageC
Soul RingS8Poison equal to your Regeneration. You have (+1/+2/+3) Regeneration.Poison RegenM
SpacescraperL6Shield equal to (2/3) time(s) the value of your items. This has triple value in combat.Property Shield Economy ValueP
Spare ChangeS0Sells for goldEconomyC
SpicesS81 Ammo. Your weapons gain damage equal to your weakest weapon's damage for the fight. [0]Damage AmmoP
Spiked BucklerM8Deal (10/20/40/80) damage. Shield (10/20/40/80). When you sell this, your leftmost item gains (+4/+6/+8/+10) Damage if it is a Weapon and (+4/+6/+8/+10) Shield if it is a Shield item.Weapon Damage ShieldC
Spiky ShieldM8Shield (5/10/20/40). Deal damage equal to your shield.Weapon Damage ShieldP
SpyglassM0Adjacent items have (+25%/+50%) Crit Chance. At the start of each fight, an enemy item has its cooldown increased by (3/6) second(s).Tool Crit CooldownV
Stained Glass WindowM0When you win a fight with Stained Glass Window in play, your Properties in play gain (4/6) value. When you lose a fight with Stained Glass Window in play, your Properties in play lose 2 value. If you have 4 or fewer items in play, their cooldowns are reduced by (10%/20%).Property ValueP
Star ChartM0Adjacent items have (+10%/+15%/+20%/+25%) Crit Chance. Adjacent items have their cooldown reduced by (10%/15%/20%/25%).Tool Cooldown CritV
StingerS9Lifesteal 100 Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).Weapon Damage SlowC
StopwatchS10Freeze both players' items for (1/2) second(s).Tool FreezeP
SubmarineL3Deal (25/50/100) damage. Gain Shield equal to this item's damage.Aquatic Weapon Vehicle Damage ShieldV
SubscraperL4Heal equal to (4/6) time(s) the value of your items. Your other items gain +value equal to this item's value in combat.Property Heal Value EconomyP
SucculentsS4Heal (1/2/3/4). This permanently gains (1/2/3/4) Heal.HealP
SundererS4Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. Your enemy's Shield items lose (5/10/15/20) Shield for the fight.Weapon DamageC
Sunlight SpearM5Heal (30/60/120). Burn 1. When you Heal, this gains (2/4/6) Burn for the fight.Heal BurnM
Super SyrupM410 Ammo. Adjacent items permanently gain (1%/2%/3%/4%) Crit chance. This permanently loses 1 Max Ammo and destroy this if it has 0 Max Ammo.Food Crit AmmoC
Swash BuckleM0Adjacent items have (+25%/+50%) Crit Chance. Adjacent items have bonus damage, heal, or shield equal to their Crit Chance.Crit Damage Heal ShieldV
SwitchbladeS8Deal (15/30/60/120) damage. When you use an adjacent Weapon, give it (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.Weapon DamageV
Tazidian DaggerS4Deal (5/10/15/20) damage. Adjacent Potions have +1 Ammo.Weapon Damage AmmoM
Tea SetM6Heal equal to (4%/8%) of your Max Health. When you use a non-weapon item, permanently gain (+2/+4) Max Health.Health HealP
TeddyM10Multicast 2 Deal 100 damage. When you use an adjacent Friend or item with Ammo, charge this 1 second(s). When you take damage or lose shield, this gains 5% Crit Chance for the fight.Weapon Friend DamageC
Temporary ShelterL6Shield (10/20/40/80). When you sell a Small item, this gains (5/10/15/20) Shield.Property ShieldC
Tesla CoilM6Deal 60 damage. When you use an adjacent item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Weapon DamageD
TextilesM4Shield (10/20/40/80). Heal equal to your Shield.Shield HealP
The BoulderL201 Ammo. Deal damage equal to your enemy's max health.Weapon Damage AmmoV
The CoreM6Deal (10/20/40/80) damage. Charge all items to the right of this 1 second(s). When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s).Core Weapon Unsellable Damage ChargeD
The EclipseL15Use all your other items. When you use an item, deal 100 damage. The first time you fall below half health each fight, use this.Weapon Vehicle DamageC
Thermal LanceM7Burn (2/4/6). When this gains Haste, this gains (2/4/6) Burn for the fight.Burn HasteD
Thieves Guild MedallionS0When you sell this, gain access to the Thieves Guild.C
Throwing KnivesS33 Ammo. Deal 33 damage. When you Crit with another item, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Weapon Damage Crit AmmoV
Thrown NetM5Deal (5/10/15) damage. Your Weapons gain (2/3/4) damage for the fight and your opponent's Weapons lose (2/3/4) damage for the fight.Weapon DamageM
ThrustersS6Burn both players (2/3/4/5). Adjacent items have their cooldowns reduced by (6%/9%/12%/15%).Burn CooldownD
ThuribleS8Burn (4/6/8/10). Gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration for the fight.Tool Regen BurnM
Tiny CutlassS5Multicast 2 Deal (6/12/24/48) damage. This deals double Crit damage.Weapon Damage CritV
Tommoo GunS250 Ammo. Deal damage equal to this item's ammo.Weapon Damage AmmoC
ToolboxM6Shield (10/30/50/100). Your other tools have their cooldowns reduced by (5%/10%/15%/20%).Tool Shield CooldownS
TorpedoM101 Ammo. Deal (50/100/200) damage. When you use another Aquatic or item with Ammo, this gains (20/40/60) damage for the fight. If the item is Large, Reload 1 Ammo.Aquatic Weapon Damage AmmoV
Tourist ChariotL4Shield (20/40/80/160). When you sell this, your items gain (+1/+2/+3/+4) value.Vehicle Shield ValueC
Trained SpiderS5Poison (1/2/3/4). When you sell this, your leftmost Poison item gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Poison.Friend PoisonC
TrebuchetL10Deal 50 damage. Burn 7. When you use another Weapon or Haste, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Weapon Burn Damage HasteV
TripwireM5Slow 1 item for 1 second(s). When your enemy uses an item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s)SlowV
Tropical IslandL0When you Slow, gain (2/4) Regeneration for the fight. At the start of each hour, get a Coconut or Citrus.Property Aquatic Regen SlowV
Turtle ShellM6Shield 10. Give your Shield items +10 Shield for the fight. When you use another non-weapon, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Aquatic ShieldV
Tusked HelmS10Multicast 2 Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. Shield (5/10/20/40).Weapon Damage ShieldP
Upgrade HammerS0When you sell this, upgrade your leftmost item.C
Uwashiwali BirdS4Heal (10/20/40/80). This has +1 Multicast for each Property you have. [0]Friend HealP
UziS212 Ammo. Deal (2/4/8/16) damage.Weapon Damage AmmoD
Vanessa's AmuletS0Your items have (+10%/+20%/+30%/+40%) Crit Chance.CritV
Vending MachineM0At the start of each day, get 3 Chocolate Bars or Spare Changes.PropertyP
VenomS3Poison 2. When you use an adjacent Weapon, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).PoisonM
VenomanderS6Poison (1/2/3/4). Gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration for the fight.Friend Poison RegenM
Vial of BloodS0When you sell this, gain (1/2/3) XP.ExperienceC
VineyardL8Heal equal to this item's value. When you use another item, charge this (1/2/3) second(s). At the start of each hour, this gains (+1/+2/+3) value.Property Heal Economy ValueP
VirusS12Poison (1/2/3). Destroy another small item on each player's board for the fight. When you destroy an item, this gains (5/10/15) Poison for the fight.PoisonD
Void RayM6Multicast 2 Burn (4/6). When you Shield, this gains (1/2) Burn for the fight.Burn ShieldC
Void ShieldM7Gain Shield equal to your enemy's burn. When your enemy uses an item, Burn 1.Burn ShieldC
WallaceS6Shield (5/10/15/20). This gains (5/10/15/20) Shield for the fight.Friend ShieldD
Walter CoolerS10Permanently gain (5/10/15/20) Max Health. When you use an adjacent friend, charge this 1 second(s).Friend HealthD
WandS5Charge your other non-weapon items (1/2) second(s).ChargeC
Wanted PosterM0When you win a fight against a player, gain (1/2/3) XP. If you had Wanted Poster in play, gain 1 additional XP. Your items have (10%/20%/30%) Crit Chance.Crit ExperienceV
WaterwheelL8Haste your other items for 2 second(s). When you use an adjacent item, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).Aquatic Property HasteV
Weakpoint DetectorM6Your weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight. When you slow, charge this 2 second(s).Tool Damage Slow ChargeD
Weaponized CoreM6Deal (10/20/40/80) damage. Give Weapons to the right of this (+5/+10/+15/+20) damage for the fight. When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s).Core Weapon Unsellable Damage ChargeD
Weather GlassM6Burn (4/6/8). Poison (2/3/4). If you have another item with Burn, Poison, Slow, or Freeze, this has +1 Multicast for each.Tool Burn Poison Slow FreezeV
Weather MachineL5Burn (4/5). Freeze 1 item for (1/2) second(s). Slow 1 item for (2/3) second(s).Vehicle Property Tool Burn FreezeS
WeightsM5Your weapons gain (+5/+10/+15/+20) Damage and your Heal items gain (+5/+10/+15/+20) Heal for the fight. When you heal while at max health, charge this 2 second(s).Tool Damage Heal ChargeP
Welding HelmetM3Shield (6/12/24/48). Burn (1/2/3/5).Shield BurnD
Welding TorchM5Burn (4/6/8/10). While you have Shield, this item's cooldown is reduced by 50%.Tool Burn ShieldD
WindmillL4Charge adjacent items 1 second. When you use another item, Charge this 1 second.Property ChargeP
WrenchS3Deal (10/20) damage. At the start of each day, upgrade a Tool of a lower tier.Weapon Tool DamageS
Yellow GumballS0When you sell this, your Shield items gain (1/2/3/4) Shield.ShieldC
Yellow Piggles AS3Give your adjacent Shield items (+2/+4/+6/+8) Shield for the fight.ShieldP
Yellow Piggles LS3Give your Shield item to the left of this (+4/+8/+12/+16) Shield for the fight.ShieldP
Yellow Piggles RS3Give your Shield item to the right of this (+4/+8/+12/+16) Shield for the fight.ShieldP
Yellow Piggles XS3Your Shield items gain (1/2/3/4) Shield for the fight.ShieldP
Yo-YoS4Deal 1 damage. When you use an adjacent item, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).Weapon DamageP


Small | Tool Shield Economy

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Shield equal to (1x/2x) the value of the adjacent items.

Agility Boots

Small | Crit

Passive Item.

Adjacent items have (+3%/+6%/+9%/+12%) Crit chance.

When you sell this, your items gain (+1%/+2%/+3%/+4%) Crit Chance.

Alpha Ray

Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

When you use the Core or another Ray, your Weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) Damage for the fight.


Small | Slow

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Slow (1/2/3) items for 3 second(s).

Your other Slow items have +1 Slow.


Small | Aquatic Economy Value Heal

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Heal equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value.

When you buy another Aquatic item, this gains (1/2/3/4) Value.


Medium | Aquatic Weapon Damage Haste

Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Deal damage equal to (20%/30%) of your enemy's Max Health.

When you use an adjacent item, this gains Haste for (2/4) second(s).

Angry Balloon Bot

Medium | Friend Weapon Shield Damage

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Deal 10 damage.

When you lose Shield, this gains damage equal to (10%/20%/40%) of the Shield lost.

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Destroy this and 3 small enemy items for the fight.

Apropos Chapeau

Medium | Shield Damage

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Shield (25/50/100).

Adjacent weapons gain (10/20/30) damage for the fight.


Medium | Weapon Damage Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Deal (50/100/200) damage.

When you Haste, this gains (25/50/75) damage for the fight.

Arc Blaster

Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal 40 damage.

When you use the Core, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Passive Item.

When you sell this, recover 5 Prestige.

Armored Core

Medium | Core Unsellable Shield Charge

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield (15/30/60/120).

Give Shield items to the right of this (+5/+10/+20/+40) Shield for the fight.

When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s).


Medium | Tool Shield Haste

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield 20.

Haste a non-weapon item for 2 second(s).

When you use another non-weapon item, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).


Large | Property Burn Poison Ammo

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Burn (2/4/6/8).

Poison (1/2/3/4).

Reload your Potions 1 Ammo.

Atlas Stone

Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal 1 damage.

Double this item's damage for the fight.


Medium | Weapon Damage Cooldown

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/60/80) damage.

This item's cooldown is reduced by 1% for every 2 damage it has.


Medium | Property Income Economy Shield

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Shield equal to (1/2/3/4) time(s) your Income.

When you buy this, gain (+1/+2/+3/+5) Income.

Atomic Clock

Medium | Tool Ammo

Cooldown: 1 Seconds. 3 Ammo.

Increase an enemy item's cooldown by (1/2/3) seconds for the fight.

Passive Item.

Sells for gold


Medium | Property Value Cooldown

Passive Item.

The Property to the left of this has double value in combat and has its cooldown reduced by (10%/20%/30%).


Large | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 10 Seconds. 2 Ammo.

Deal (100/200) damage.

When you use another item with Ammo, this gains 1 Multicast for the fight.

Balloon Bot

Medium | Friend Shield

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

When you use the weapon to the right of this, this gains (10/20/30) Shield for the fight.

Shield (20/40/80).


Small | Heal Shield

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Heal (5/10/20/40).

Shield (5/10/20/40).

Bar of Gold

Small | Passive NonWeapon

Passive Item.

Sells for gold

Barbed Wire

Small | Weapon Damage Shield

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20) damage.

When you Shield, this gains (5/10/20) Damage for the fight.


Medium | Shield

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Shield (5/10/20/40).

When you use a non-weapon item, this gains (5/10/15/20) Shield for the fight.

Basilisk Fang

Small | Weapon Damage Crit

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Lifesteal 100

Deal (10/20) damage.

While your enemy has Poison, this has (+25%/+50%) Crit Chance for the fight.


Small | Tool Ammo Charge

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 4 Ammo.

Charge the item to the left of this (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Small | Weapon Damage

Passive Item.

When you use the Weapon to the left of this, deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

Beach Ball

Medium | Aquatic Haste

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Haste (1/2/3/4) Aquatic item(s) for 2 second(s).

Beast of Burden

Large | Weapon Friend Vehicle Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/80/160) damage.

When you buy another item, this gains (10/20/30/40) damage.


Medium | Property Damage Charge

Passive Item.

When your enemy uses a weapon, charge your Busy Bees 2 second(s).

When you buy a Property, get a Busy Bee and give your Busy Bees (+5/+10/+15) damage.


Medium | Friend Weapon Damage Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal 30 damage.

When you Haste, this gains (30/40/50) damage for the fight.

When this gains Haste, charge it (1/2/3) second(s).


Medium | Health

Passive Item.

You have (+50%/+75%/+100%) Max Health.

Beta Ray

Small | Freeze

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Freeze 1 small item for (1/2) second(s).

When you use the Core or another Ray, charge this 1 second.

Bill Dozer

Large | Friend Vehicle Weapon Damage Cooldown

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40) damage.

When you use another Friend, this gains (10/20/30) damage for the fight.

Your other Friends' cooldowns are reduced by (10%/20%/30%).


Large | Property Crit Economy Value

Passive Item.

Your Properties have (+25%/+50%) Crit Chance.

At the start of each day, your items gain (1/2) value.

Black Pepper

Small | Food Burn Charge

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Burn (2/3/4).

Charge adjacent items (1/2/3) second(s).

Black Rose

Small | Heal Poison

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Heal (10/20/40/80).

When you Poison, this gains (+5/+10/+15/+20) Heal for the fight.

Blast Doors

Medium | Shield

Cooldown: 20 Seconds.

Shield (100/200/300/400).

When your opponent uses a Weapon or Burn item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

The first time you fall below half health each fight, use this.

Blow Torch

Small | Tool Burn

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn (2/4/6/8).


Small | Weapon Damage Poison

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal 2 damage.

Poison equal to this item's damage.

Blue Gumball

Small | Crit

Passive Item.

When you sell this, your items gain (+1%/+2%/+3%/+4%) Crit Chance.

Blue Piggles A

Small | Crit

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Adjacent items gain (2%/4%/6%/8%) Crit Chance for the fight.

Blue Piggles L

Small | Crit

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

The item to the left of this gains (4%/8%/12%/16%) Crit Chance for the fight.

Blue Piggles R

Small | Crit

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

The item to the right of this gains (4%/8%/12%/16%) Crit Chance for the fight.

Blue Piggles X

Small | Crit

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Your items gain (+1%/+2%/+3%/+4%) Crit Chance for the fight.


Small | Food Heal Health

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Heal (10/20/40/80).

When you sell this, gain (20/60/120/200) Max Health.


Medium | Weapon Damage Ammo Burn

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 6 Ammo.

Deal 100 damage.

When you Burn, charge this (1/2) second(s).


Small | Weapon Damage Ammo Slow

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 2 Ammo.

Deal (20/40/80/160) damage.

Slow 1 item for (2/3/4/5) second(s).

Bomb Squad

Small | Friend Burn

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Burn 5.

When you use an adjacent friend, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Booby Trap

Medium | Freeze

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Freeze an item for (1/2/3) second(s).

When you use a Property, Charge this 1 second(s).

Passive Item.

Every 50 you spend, upgrade an item of a lower tier. [Gold Spent: 0]

Bottled Lightning

Small | Potion Weapon Damage Burn Ammo

Cooldown: 5 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Deal (25/75/150/250) damage.

Burn (4/6/8/10).

Brass Knuckles

Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

This has double damage.

Brick Buddy

Medium | Vehicle Friend Shield

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Shield (20/40/80/160).

When you use an adjacent Friend, this gains (10/20/30/40) Shield for the fight.


Medium | Weapon Damage Economy

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) damage.

When you sell this, get 2 Spare Change.

Broken Shackles

Small | Damage Cooldown

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Your weapons gain (2/4/8) damage for the fight.

When you use a Weapon, charge this 1 second(s).

Bulky Package

Medium | Unsellable Active NonWeapon

Passive Item.

Farai will return for this


Large | Property Shield

Passive Item.

When you take damage from an item, Shield equal to (30%/40%/50%) of the damage dealt.


Medium | Heal Shield

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Heal 20.

When you Shield, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Business Card

Small | Value

Passive Item.

When you visit a Merchant, this gains (1/2/3) value.

For every 5 Merchants you visit, upgrade this. [Merchants Visited: 0]

Busy Bee

Small | Weapon Friend Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20) damage.


Small | Food Haste

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Haste 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

For each adjacent Tool or Food item, this gains +1 Multicast.

Butterfly Swords

Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Multicast (2/3/4)

Deal 5 damage.


Medium | Weapon Damage

Passive Item.

When your enemy uses an item, deal 1 damage.

Candy Mail

Medium | Food Shield Ammo

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 10 Ammo.

Adjacent Shield items permanently gain (+1/+2/+3/+4) Shield.

This permanently loses 1 Max Ammo and destroy this if it has 0 Max Ammo.


Medium | Weapon Damage Ammo Burn

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 2 Ammo.

Deal (25/50/100/200) damage.

Burn (3/6/9/12).


Large | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal 100 Damage.

When you use a Weapon, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).


Small | Ammo

Passive Item.

Adjacent items have (+1/+2/+3/+4) Max Ammo.


Small | Charge

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Charge adjacent items 1 second(s).

Captain's Wheel

Medium | Aquatic Tool Haste

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Haste adjacent items for 2 second(s).

When you use a Vehicle or Large item, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).

Cargo Shorts

Medium | Economy

Passive Item.

When you buy, sell or upgrade this, get 1 Candy and 1 Spare Change.

Cash Cannon

Medium | Weapon Damage Economy

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (50/100/200) damage.

When you gain gold, this gains + damage equal to (1x/2x/3x) the amount of gold gained.

Cash Register

Medium | Tool Economy

Passive Item.

At the start of each day, get 2 Spare Change.


Small | Haste

Passive Item.

When you use the item to the left of this, haste the item to the right of this for (1/2/3) second(s).


Small | Aquatic Friend Poison Haste

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Poison (1/2/3/4).

When this gains Haste, this gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Poison for the fight.


Medium | Tool Burn Poison

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Burn (2/4/6).

Poison (1/2/3).

Char Cole

Small | Friend Burn

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Burn (1/2/3).

When you use another friend, this gains (1/2/3) Burn for the fight.

Charging Station

Medium | Tool Charge Damage

Passive Item.

When you use the item to the left of this, charge the item to the right for (1/2) second(s).

When you use the Core, give it (+20/+40) damage for the fight.


Medium | Friend Poison Slow

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Poison (3/6/9/12).

Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Chocolate Bar

Small | Food Health

Passive Item.

When you sell this, gain (10/20/30/40) Max Health.

Chris Army Knife

Small | Friend Weapon Tool Damage Shield

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

Shield (5/10/20/40).


Medium | Shield Cooldown

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield (50/100).

Enemy item cooldowns are increased by (1/2).


Small | Aquatic Crit

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Your Aquatic items gain (2%/3%/4%/5%) Crit Chance for the fight.

When you buy this, get a Piranha.


Small | Burn

Passive Item.

When you sell this, your leftmost Burn item gains (+1/+2/+4) Burn.


Small | Regen

Passive Item.

When you sell this, gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration.


Small | Aquatic Slow

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Slow (1/2/3/4) item(s) for 1 second(s).

At the start of each fight, use this.

Claw Arm

Medium | Weapon Damage Haste

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal 25 damage.

When this gains Haste, this and the weapon to the left gains (5/10) damage for the fight.


Medium | Friend Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40) damage.

When you use a Friend, this gains (10/20/30) damage for the fight.


Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) Damage.

This deals double Crit damage.

Clockwork Blades

Medium | Weapon Damage Cooldown

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/80/160) damage.

When you sell this, reduce your items' cooldown by (1%/2%/3%/4%).

Closed Sign

Medium | Economy Regen

Passive Item.

You have Regeneration equal to (1x/2x) adjacent properties' values. [0]


Small | Health

Passive Item.

When you sell this, gain (10/20/30/40) Max Health.


Small | Tool Haste

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Haste an adjacent item for (1/2/3) second(s).

Colossal Popsicle

Large | Weapon Food Damage Freeze

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (50/100/200) damage.

Freeze 2 items for (1/2/3) second(s).

When you sell this, gain 2 Icicles.

Combat Core

Large | Core Weapon Vehicle Damage Shield

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/80) damage.

Shield (20/40/80).

When you use any item to the left of this, this gains (10/20/30) Damage for the fight.

When you use any item to the right of this, this gains (10/20/30) Shield for the fight.

Companion Core

Medium | Core Friend Unsellable Haste Charge

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Haste your other friends (1/2/3/4) second(s).

When you use another Friend, Charge this 1 second(s).

Concealed Dagger

Small | Weapon Damage Gold

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (12/24/48) damage.

Gain (1/2/3) gold.


Small | Food

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

When you sell this, you lose (10/20/30/40) Max Health.

When you sell this, gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration.

Cool LEDs

Small | Slow

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Slow 1 item for 2 second(s).

When you use the Core, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Small | Freeze

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Freeze 1 small item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Cleanse half your Burn.

Cooling Fan

Small | Crit Burn

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Give the Core (+5%/+10%/+15%) Crit Chance for the fight.

While either player has Burn, reduce this item's cooldown by 50%.

Copper Ed

Small | Friend Poison Shield

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Poison (1/2/3/4).

Shield (5/10/15/20).


Small | Aquatic Heal

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Heal (5/10/20/40).

When you buy an Aquatic item, this gains Heal (3/6/9/12).

Coral Armor

Medium | Aquatic Shield

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Shield (10/20/40/80).

When you buy another Aquatic item, this gains (5/10/15/20) Shield.

Cosmic Amulet

Small | Shield Crit Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Shield (50/100).

When this gains haste, your items gain (+3%/+5%) crit chance for the fight.

Cosmic Plumage

Medium | Crit Shield Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Your Shield items gain (+4/+8/+12) Shield and your Weapons (+4/+8/+12) damage for the fight.

When you crit, charge this 1 second(s).


Large | Aquatic Property Shield Value Economy

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Shield equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value.

When you sell an item, this gains (1/1/1/2) value.


Large | Vehicle Weapon Tool Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (100/200) damage.

When you use an adjacent Large item, this gains (30%/60%) damage for the fight.

When you use an adjacent Medium item, this gains (20%/40%) damage for the fight.

Critical Core

Medium | Core Weapon Unsellable Damage Crit

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) damage.

This and items to the right of this have (+15%/+20%/+25%/+30%) Crit Chance.

When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s).

When you Crit with any item, Charge this 1 second(s).


Medium | Tool Weapon Damage Damage

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40) damage.

Your Medium Weapons have (+10/+20/+40) Damage for each Medium item you have.

Crow's Nest

Large | Property Aquatic Crit

Passive Item.

Your weapons have (+20%/+40%/+60%/+80%) Crit Chance.

If you have exactly one weapon, that Weapon has lifesteal.

Crusher Claw

Medium | Weapon Aquatic Damage Shield

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal damage equal to the highest Shield value of items you have.

Your Shield items gain (+2/+4/+6/+8) Shield for the fight.


Medium | Freeze Shield

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Freeze this for 2 second(s).

Shield (15/30/45/60).

When ANY item gains Freeze, Charge this 1 second(s).


Medium | Tool Freeze

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Freeze all items other than The Core for (2/3) second(s).


Small | Value

Passive Item.

At the start of each hour, set this item's value to a number between 0 and (5/10/20/40).

Crystal Bonsai

Small | Heal Economy Value

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Heal equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value.

At the start of each fight with Crystal Bonsai, this gains (2/4/6/8) value.

When you lose a fight with Crystal Bonsai, this item loses all of its value.


Small | Food Burn Charge

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Burn (4/6/8).

Charge another small item (3/4/5) second(s).


Medium | Weapon Damage Crit

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Deal (6/12/24/48) damage.

This deals double Crit damage.


Medium | Friend Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (15/30/60) damage for each Weapon you have.

This deals (2/3/4) time(s) damage if it is your only friend.


Large | Aquatic Property

Cooldown: 24 Seconds.

Destroy this and all smaller items for the fight.

When you use another Aquatic item, charge this (1/2) second(s).

Death Caps

Medium | Poison Poison

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Poison (1/2).

Increase the poison of your items by (1/2) for the fight.


Medium | Value

Passive Item.

When you sell a Large item, this gains (2/4/6) Sell Value.

Your items have double value in combat.


Medium | Weapon Friend Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (40/80/160) damage.

If your enemy has at least (6/5/4) items, destroy a small enemy item for the fight.

When you destroy an item during combat, your Dinosaurs permanently gain (10/15/20) damage.


Medium | Crit

Passive Item.

When you buy this, get a non-Vanessa item.

Your items from other Heroes have (+15%/+30%/+50%) Crit Chance.


Large | Tool Damage Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Haste your tools for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Your Weapons gain (+10/+20/+40/+80) damage for the fight.

DJ Rob0t

Medium | Friend Haste

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Haste your Friends for (1/2/3) second(s).

When you buy this, get 3 Nanobots.

Dock Lines

Medium | Tool Aquatic Slow

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Slow (1/2/3/4) item(s) for 3 second(s).


Medium | Weapon Friend Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) Damage

When you sell a small item, this gains (3/6/9/12) damage.

Dooley's Scarf

Medium | Shield Freeze

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Shield (40/80/160).

When this or an adjacent item gains Freeze, remove it.

Double Barrel

Medium | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 3 Seconds. 2 Ammo.

Multicast 2

Deal (20/40/80/160) damage.

Double Whammy

Large | Weapon Damage Health

Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Deal damage equal to (10%/15%/20%) of your Max Health.

Dragon Tooth

Small | Weapon Damage Gold Damage

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Deal (10/20) damage.

At the start of each fight with Dragon Tooth, spend 3 gold and your weapons permanently gain (5/10) damage.

Dragon Whelp

Small | Weapon Friend Burn Damage

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Deal (1/2/3) damage.

Burn equal to this item's damage.

Duct Tape

Small | Tool Shield Slow

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield (5/10/20/40).

Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

When you use an adjacent item, Charge this 1000.

Eagle Talisman

Small | Crit

Passive Item.

When you sell this, your leftmost item gains (5%/10%/15%/20%) Crit Chance.


Small | Health Slow

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Gain 5 Max Health for the fight.

When you Slow, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).


Small | Poison Heal

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Poison (1/2/3).

Heal equal to your opponent's Poison.

Electric Eels

Large | Aquatic Weapon Friend Damage Slow

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal 10 Damage.

Slow 1 item for 2 second(s).

When your enemy uses an item, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).


Small | Poison Poison

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Poison (1/2/3).

Increase your other items' Poison by 1.

Energy Potion

Small | Potion Haste Ammo

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Haste your items for (2/4/6/8) second(s).

Epicurean Chocolate

Medium | Food Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 10 Ammo.

Adjacent Weapons permanently gain (+1/+2/+3/+4) Damage.

This permanently loses 1 Max Ammo and destroy this if it has 0 Max Ammo.


Medium | Damage

Passive Item.

Adjacent Weapons have (+5/+10/+20/+40) damage.

When you sell this, your weapons gain (2/4/6/8) damage.


Small | Poison

Passive Item.

When you sell this, your leftmost Poison item gains (+1/+2/+4) Poison.

Eye of the Colossus

Large | Tool Charge

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Destroy an enemy item for the fight.

When you use an adjacent item, charge this 1 second(s).


Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.


Small | Cooldown

Passive Item.

When you sell this, reduce your items' cooldowns by (2%/4%/6%/8%).

Fiber Optics

Small | Charge

Passive Item.

When you use your leftmost item, charge your rightmost item (1/2) second(s).


Medium | Aquatic Damage Cooldown

Passive Item.

Aquatic items to the left of this have their cooldowns reduced by (10%/20%/30%).

Weapons to the right of this have (+25/+50/+100) damage.

Fire Claw

Medium | Burn

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn (3/6/9/12).

This has + Burn equal to the Burn of your non-Fire Claw items. [0]

Fire Potion

Small | Potion Burn Ammo

Cooldown: 5 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Burn (6/9/12/15).

First Aiden

Small | Friend Heal Haste

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Heal (10/20/40/80).

Haste 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Fishing Net

Medium | Aquatic Tool Slow

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Slow (1/2/3/4) item for 3 second(s).

At the start of each day, get a Piranha.

Fishing Rod

Medium | Aquatic Tool Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Haste the Aquatic item to the right for (2/3/4/5) second(s).

At the start of each day, get a Small aquatic item.

Fixer Upper

Large | Property Shield Economy

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Shield equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value.

At the start of each day, upgrade this.


Large | Aquatic Vehicle Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (25/50/100) damage.

If you have another Tool, Ammo, Property or Friend this has +1 Multicast for each.


Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Multicast 3

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.


Large | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal 200 damage.

This deals quadruple crit damage.


Medium | Weapon Tool Burn Damage

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (2/4) damage.

Burn equal to (1/2) time(s) this item's damage.


Small | Ammo Slow

Cooldown: 6 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Slow all enemy items for (3/4/5) second(s).

Focused Core

Medium | Core Unsellable Haste Charge

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Charge the item to the right of this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Haste the item to the right of this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Force Field

Large | Weapon Shield Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Shield (10/20/40/80).

Deal damage equal to your shield.


Large | Vehicle Tool Weapon Damage Haste

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (50/100) damage for each item to the left of this.

Haste this and the items on the right of this for (2/4) second(s).


Large | Property Shield

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Shield 20.

Enemy item cooldowns are increased by (1/2) second(s).

When you use another item, Charge this (1/2) second(s).

Fossilized Femur

Large | Weapon Damage Slow

Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Deal 300 damage.

When you Slow, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s) and this gains (+25/+50/+75) Damage for the fight.

Frost Potion

Small | Potion Ammo Freeze

Cooldown: 5 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Freeze (1/2/3) item(s) for 1 second(s).

Frozen Bludgeon

Medium | Weapon Damage Freeze

Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Deal (15/30/60/120) damage.

Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

When you Freeze, your weapons gain (4/6/8/10) damage for the fight.

Gamma Ray

Small | Poison

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Poison (2/3/4).

When you use the Core or another Ray, adjacent Poison items gain (1/2/3) Poison for the fight.


Medium | Heal Shield Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Adjacent weapons gain (5/10/15/20) Damage for the fight.

Adjacent Heal items gain (5/10/15/20) Heal for the fight.

Adjacent Shield items gain (5/10/15/20) Shield for the fight.

Gatling Gun

Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (50/100) damage.

Reduce this item's cooldown by (10%/20%) for the fight.


Small | Weapon Damage Health

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (500/1000) damage to the player with less health.

Gearnola Bar

Small | Shield Ammo

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 2 Ammo.

Shield (20/40/80/120).

When you sell a Tool, this gains +1 Max Ammo.

Genie Lamp

Small | Passive NonWeapon

Passive Item.

When you sell this, gain access to the genie Rit.

Giant Ice Club

Large | Weapon Damage Freeze

Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Deal 1000 damage.

When any item gains Freeze, Charge this (3/6) second(s).

The first time you fall below half health each fight, Freeze 1 item(s) for 99 second(s).


Small | Regen

Passive Item.

When you sell this, gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration.


Medium | Tool Health

Passive Item.

At the start of each day, gain (100/200/300) Max Health.


Small | Tool Shield Crit Haste

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Shield (15/30/60/120).

When this gains Haste, your items gain (+2%/+4%/+6%/+8%) Crit chance for the fight.

Golf Clubs

Medium | Weapon Damage Heal

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/80/160) damage.

When you Heal, this gains (5/10/15/20) damage for the fight.


Small | Haste

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Haste the Core for (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Small | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 3 Seconds. 2 Ammo.

Deal (15/30/60) damage.

When you use another item with Ammo, this reloads 1 ammo.

Grappling Hook

Small | Weapon Tool Damage Slow

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40) damage.

Slow 1 item for (3/4/5) second(s).

Green Gumball

Small | Health

Passive Item.

When you sell this, gain (10/20/30/40) Max Health.


Small | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Crit Chance 25%

Deal (30/60/120/240) damage.


Medium | Tool Damage

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Give the weapon to the left of this (+10/+20/+30) damage for the fight.

Gumball Machine

Medium | Shield Gold

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Shield (10/20/30).

At the start of each hour, spend 2 gold to get a Gumball.


Small | Ammo

Passive Item.

When you sell this, your leftmost item with Ammo gains (1/2/3) Max Ammo.


Medium | Weapon Tool Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (25/50) damage.

The first time you use this each fight, destroy a small enemy item for the fight.

Hakurvian Launcher

Large | Weapon Haste Damage Crit

Cooldown: 8 Seconds. 2 Ammo.

Deal (75/150/300/600) damage.

When this gains Haste, it also gains (5%/10%/15%/20%) Crit Chance for the fight.


Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Deal (4/8/16/32) damage.


Small | Weapon Tool Damage

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/80) damage.

When you Level Up, if you have at least 3 tools, upgrade an item of a lower tier.


Small | Friend Weapon Tool Damage Slow

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal 15 damage.

When you Slow, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Medium | Heal Cooldown

Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Heal (100/200).

This item's cooldown is reduced by 5 seconds for each adjacent large item.


Small | Weapon Damage Damage

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

Your weapons have (+3/+6/+9/+15) damage.


Medium | Friend Weapon Shield Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal 60 damage.

When you Shield, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second.


Medium | Aquatic Ammo

Cooldown: 8 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Destroy a small item.


Small | Weapon Tool Damage Economy

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (6/12/24/48) damage.

When you buy this, get a Spare Change.


Small | Poison

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Poison (2/3/4/5).


Large | Property Heal Health

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Heal equal to (4%/8%/12%) of your Max Health.

When you Heal, gain (10/20/40) Max Health for the fight.


Small | Haste

Passive Item.

At the start of each fight, your Small items gain Haste for (1/2/3) second(s).

Honing Steel

Small | Tool Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Give the weapon to the right of this (+5/+10/+15/+20) damage for the fight.

Hot Springs

Large | Heal

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Heal (25/50/100/200).

When you sell this, your Heal items gain (+10/+20/+30/+40) Heal.

Hydraulic Squeezer

Medium | Tool Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Deal (30/60/120) damage.

Your weapons gain (3/6/9) damage for the fight.

When you use another Tool, Charge this 1 second(s).

Ice 9000

Medium | Friend Freeze Poison

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Poison (2/4/6/8).

Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

When you Freeze, this gains (1/2/3/4) Poison for the fight.

Ice Cream Truck

Large | Vehicle Freeze Charge

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Freeze 1 item for (1/2/4) second(s).

When you use another non-weapon item, charge this 1 second(s).

Ice Cubes

Small | Food Freeze

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Freeze 3 small items for (1/2) second(s).

Ice Pick

Small | Weapon Damage Freeze

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/80) damage.

Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s).

When you Freeze, this gains (5/10/15) damage for the fight.


Large | Aquatic Property Freeze

Passive Item.

When your enemy uses an item, Freeze it for 1 second(s).


Medium | Weapon Tool Damage Freeze

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal 80 damage.

Remove Freeze from your items.

When any item gains freeze, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).

When this item gains Freeze, remove Freeze from it.


Small | Freeze

Passive Item.

At the start of each fight, freeze 1 item for (3/4/5/6) second(s).


Large | Property Freeze Shield

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s).

Shield (50/100/200).

The first time you fall below half health each fight, use this.

Ignition Core

Medium | Core Unsellable Burn Charge

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn (6/9/12/15).

Burn items to the right of this gain (1/2/3/4) Burn for the fight.

When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s).


Small | Aquatic Friend Slow

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

For each adjacent Friend, this has +1 Multicast.

Improvised Bludgeon

Medium | Weapon Damage Slow

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/80/160) damage.

Slow 2 items for (3/4/5/6) second(s).

When you sell this, your leftmost Slow item gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Slow.

Incendiary Rounds

Small | Burn

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn 3.

When you use an adjacent item, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).


Small | Heal Slow

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Slow 1 item for (4/5/6) second(s).

Heal (20/40/80).

Induction Aegis

Small | Shield Burn

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Shield (5/10/20/40).

Burn (1/2/3/5).

Infernal Greatsword

Large | Weapon Damage Burn

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal 2 damage.

Burn equal to this item's damage.

This gains Damage equal to your enemy's Burn for the fight.

Insect Wing

Small | Cooldown

Passive Item.

When you sell this, reduce your leftmost item's cooldown by (3%/6%/9%/12%).

Isochoric Freezer

Small | Freeze

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Freeze a small item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Jaballian Drum

Large | Haste Damage

Passive Item.

When you use a weapon, your weapons gain (1/2/3) Damage for the fight.

When you use a Weapon, Haste it for (1/2/3) second(s).

Jaballian Longbow

Medium | Weapon Damage Health

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Deal (30/60/120/240) damage.

This has +1 Multicast if you have more health than your enemy.


Medium | Weapon Damage Ammo Haste

Cooldown: 5 Seconds. 2 Ammo.

Deal (75/150/300) damage.

When you Haste, Reload this 1 Ammo.


Small | Aquatic Friend Poison Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Poison (1/2/3/4).

When you use an adjacent Aquatic item, this gains Haste for (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Small | Shield Economy

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Shield equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value.


Small | Weapon Damage Slow

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/15) damage.

Slow 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s).

When you slow, this gains (5/10/20) damage for the fight.

Junkyard Catapult

Large | Weapon Damage Burn Poison

Cooldown: 6 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Deal (25/50/100) damage.

Burn (6/8/10).

Poison (4/6/8)

Junkyard Club

Medium | Weapon Damage Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (30/60/120/240) damage.

When you sell this, your weapons gain (4/6/8/10) damage.

Junkyard Lance

Large | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (15/30/60/100) damage for each Small item you have (including Stash).

Junkyard Repairbot

Medium | Friend Heal

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Heal (30/60/120/240).

When you sell this, your leftmost Heal item gains (+5/+15/+30/+50) Heal.


Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 2 Seconds.

Deal (4/8/16/32) damage.

Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Use a property.

Kinetic Cannon

Large | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal 100 damage.

When you use a Small item, this gains (10/20/40) damage for the fight.

Knee Brace

Small | Health

Passive Item.

After you fight a player with this in play, gain (100/200/300/400) Max Health.

Knife Set

Medium | Weapon Tool Damage

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal 30 damage.

When you use a weapon, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).


Small | Weapon Damage Heal

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

When you heal, this gains (3/6/9/12) damage for the fight.


Large | Property Shield Value Economy

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Shield equal to this item's value.

When you use another item, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).

At the start of each hour, this gains (+1/+2/+3) value.


Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (25/50/100/200) damage.

When you win a fight with Langxian in play, this gains (25/50/75/100) damage.

Laser Pistol

Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (6/12/24/48) damage.

Laser Security System

Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

When you use a property, this gains (10/20/30/40) damage for the fight.


Medium | Friend Weapon Damage Poison

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Lifesteal 100

Deal (5/10/20/40) Damage.

When you poison, this gains (5/10/15/20) damage for the fight.

Lemonade Stand

Large | Property Heal Health

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Heal equal to (5%/10%/15%) of your Max Health.

When you sell a Small item, gain (+10/+20/+40) Max Health.


Small | Damage Haste Charge

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Give the core (+5/+10) damage for the fight.

When this gains haste, charge it (1/2) second(s).

Life Preserver

Medium | Aquatic Shield Heal

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield (10/20/40/80).

The first time you would die each fight, Heal (200/600/1200/2000).

Lifting Gloves

Small | Tool Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Your weapons gain (1/2/3/4) damage for the fight.

When you sell this, your weapons gain (3/6/9/12) damage.


Small | Crit

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Adjacent items gain (2%/4%/6%/8%) Crit chance for the fight.


Small | Tool Burn

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Burn (1/2/3/5).


Large | Property Aquatic Burn

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn 12.

When you Slow, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).

Lightning Rod

Large | Weapon Damage Shield

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (10/20) damage.

Shield (10/20).

When any player uses an item, this gains (10/20) damage and (10/20) shield for the fight.

Lion Cane

Medium | Weapon Damage Health

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal damage equal to (10%/20%) of your Max Health.

When you Level Up, gain (100/200) Max Health.


Medium | Economy Value Damage

Passive Item.

When you win a fight, this gains (1/2/3) value.

Your weapons have + damage equal to this item's value. ([4]/[8]/[16])


Small | Tool Value

Passive Item.

At the start of each day, your Small items gain (1/2) value.


Small | Tool Value

Passive Item.

Your items have +1000 value.


Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

Your weapons gain (2/4/6/8) damage for the fight.

Luxury Tents

Large | Property Heal Health

Passive Item.

The first time you would die each fight, Heal for (25%/50%) of your Max Health.

Your Heal items have +1 Multicast.

Magic Carpet

Medium | Vehicle Weapon Damage Crit

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Crit Chance 25%

Deal (5/10/20/40).

When you Crit, this gains (5/10/15/20) damage for the fight.

Passive Item.

When you sell this, upgrade your leftmost item.

Magma Core

Small | Burn

Passive Item.

At the start of each fight, Burn (6/9/12/15).

Magnifying Glass

Small | Weapon Tool Damage

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (5/15/30/50) damage.

When you sell this, your leftmost weapon gains (+5/+15/+30/+50) damage.

Makeshift Barricade

Medium | Slow

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Slow 1 items for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

When you sell this, your leftmost Slow item gains (1/2/3/4) second to Slow.

Marble Scalemail

Medium | Shield

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Shield (20/60/120/200).

When you sell this, your Shield items gain (3/6/9/12) Shield.


Small | Slow

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Slow 2 Small item for 2 second(s).

When you use an adjacent item, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Medium | Value

Passive Item.

At the start of each hour, this gains (1/2/3) value.


Small | Burn

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Burn 3.

When you use a non-weapon item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Medium | Friend Weapon Damage Haste Shield

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (25/50/100) damage.

When this gains Haste, your weapons gain (2/3/4) damage for the fight.

When this gains Haste, your Shield items gain (2/3/4) shield for the fight.

Med Kit

Small | Heal

Passive Item.

When you sell this, your leftmost Heal item gains (5/10/20/40) Heal.

Memory Card

Small | Value Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

This gains 1 Value.

When you sell this, give The Core + Damage equal to (1x/2x/3x/4x) this item's value. (1/4/12/32)


Small | Haste

Passive Item.

When you use an adjacent item, give the other adjacent item haste for (1/2/3) second(s).

Micro Dave

Medium | Friend Burn

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn 6.

When you use a small item, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Miss Isles

Medium | Weapon Friend Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 3 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Multicast 2

Deal (10/20/40) damage.

When you use the Core, reload this.

Model Ship

Medium | Aquatic Vehicle Shield

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Shield 20.

When you use an adjacent item, charge this (1/2/3) seconds.


Large | Friend Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (200/400) damage.

If your enemy has at least (5/4) items, destroy a small or medium enemy item for the fight.

When you destroy an item during combat, your Dinosaurs permanently gain (25/50) damage.

Money Tree

Large | Property Heal Economy

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Heal (10/20/30/40).

When you Level Up, get a Spare Change.

When you sell a Spare Change, this gains (10/20/30/40) Heal.

Monitor Lizard

Medium | Friend Poison Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Poison (6/8/10/12).

When you Haste, this gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Poison for the fight.


Small | Tool Shield Economy

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield equal to (1x/2x/3x) your gold.

Mortal Coil

Medium | Weapon Tool Damage Lifesteal

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Lifesteal 100

Deal (50/100) damage.

The weapon to the left of this has lifesteal.

Mortar & Pestle

Medium | Tool Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Give your Lifesteal Weapons (+5/+10/+15/+20) damage for the fight.

The weapon on the right has Lifesteal.


Medium | Damage Haste

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Haste the Core for (2/3/4) second(s).

When the Core gains Haste, give it (+10/+20/+30) damage for the fight.


Small | Tool Haste Slow

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Haste another item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Medium | Weapon Damage Ammo Burn

Cooldown: 5 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Crit Chance 100%

Deal (50/100/200) damage.

When you Burn, reload this 1 ammo.


Small | Heal

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Crit Chance 25%

Heal (10/20/40/80).


Small | Friend Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (5/15/30/50) damage for each Small Friend you have.


Small | Aquatic Weapon Friend Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (4/12/24/40) damage.


Medium | Poison Regen

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Poison 10.

Gain 10 Regeneration for the fight.

When any non-weapon is used, Charge this 1 second(s).

Nesting Doll

Small | Shield Ammo

Cooldown: 2 Seconds. 8 Ammo.

Shield equal to this item's Ammo.

At the start of each day, this gains (1/2/3) Max Ammo.

Neural Toxin

Small | Slow

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Slow 1 item for 2 second(s).

When you use an adjacent weapon, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Medium | Poison Heal

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Poison (2/4/6/8).

When you Heal, this gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Poison for the fight.


Small | Burn Charge

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Burn both players (4/6/8).

Charge an item (1/2/3) second(s).

Nitrogen Hammer

Medium | Weapon Damage Freeze

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (25/50) damage.

Freeze 1 item for (1/2) second(s).

When you freeze, this gains (25/50) damage for the fight.

Noxious Potion

Small | Potion Poison Ammo

Cooldown: 3 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Poison both players (4/6/8/10).


Medium | Aquatic Weapon Friend Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Multicast 8

Deal 8 damage.


Small | Heal Economy

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Heal equal to (1x/2x/3x) your gold.

Old Sword

Small | Weapon Damage Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

When you sell this, your leftmost weapon gains (+4/+6/+8/+10) Damage.

Omega Ray

Small | Burn

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn (4/6/8).

When you use the Core or another Ray, adjacent Burn items gain (1/2/3) Burn for the fight.

Open Sign

Medium | Shield Economy Damage

Passive Item.

Weapon Properties adjacent to this have + Damage equal to (1x/2x) the value of your highest value item. [0]

Shield Properties adjacent to this have + Shield equal to (1x/2x) the value of your highest value item. [0]

Orbital Polisher

Small | Tool Damage Shield

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Adjacent Weapons gain (5/10) Damage for the fight.

Adjacent Shield items gain (5/10) Shield for the fight.

Ouroboros Statue

Medium | Poison Regen

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Poison (2/4/6).

When you Poison, gain (+1/+2/+3) Regeneration for the fight.

Oven Mitts

Medium | Burn Shield Haste

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Haste 1 item for 2 second(s).

Shield 10.

When you Burn, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).


Large | Vehicle Crit Cooldown

Passive Item.

Your items have (+20%/+40%) Crit Chance.

When you Crit with an item, reduce their cooldown by 10% for the fight.

Pawn Shop

Large | Property Health Value Economy

Passive Item.

When you sell an item, this gains (1/2/3) value.

You have increased max health equal to (10/15/20) times this item's value. ([60]/[180]/[480])


Small | Aquatic Shield

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Shield 20.

When you use another Aquatic item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second.



Passive Item.

Sells for gold


Medium | Tool Crit Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Haste your items for 2 second(s).

When you Crit, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Adjacent items have (+10%/+20%/+30%/+40%) Crit Chance.

Pepper Spray

Small | Weapon Damage Slow

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (5/15/30/50) damage.

The first time you fall below half health each fight, slow all enemy items for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Pesky Pete

Small | Friend Burn

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn (4/6).

For each adjacent Friend or Property, this gains (+4/+8) Burn.

Pet Rock

Small | Weapon Friend Damage Crit

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

If this is your only friend, your items have (+5%/+10%/+15%/+20%) Crit Chance.


Medium | Cooldown

Passive Item.

The item to the left of this has its cooldown reduced by (25%/50%).

Pickled Peppers

Medium | Food Burn

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Burn (5/10).

When you Burn, this gains (5/10) Burn for the fight.

Pierre Conditioner

Medium | Friend Freeze

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Freeze 1 item for 1 second(s).

When you use the Core, Freeze an item for 1 second(s).


Small | Charge

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Charge adjacent Small items (1/2/3/4) second(s).

When you win a fight, get a Piggle.



Passive Item.

When you sell this, get 3 Chocolate Bars.


Small | Aquatic Weapon Damage Crit

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

This deals double Crit damage.

Pistol Sword

Medium | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 3 Seconds. 3 Ammo.

Deal (15/30) damage.

When you use an item with Ammo, deal (15/30) damage.

Plasma Grenade

Small | Burn Ammo Slow

Cooldown: 8 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Burn both players (5/10/15/20).

Slow all enemy items for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Plasma Rifle

Medium | Weapon Damage Burn

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (50/100/200) damage.

When you Burn, this gains (25/50/75) damage for the fight.

Pop Snappers

Small | Burn Ammo

Cooldown: 3 Seconds. 3 Ammo.

Burn (4/6/8/10).

Poppy Field

Large | Property Poison Cooldown

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Poison (3/6/9/12).

If you have no weapons, your items have their cooldowns reduced by (5%/10%/15%/20%).


Large | Property Aquatic Ammo

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Reload all your items (1/2/3) Ammo and charge them 1 second.

At the start of each day, get a Small item with Ammo from any hero.

Powder Flask

Small | Tool Ammo

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Reload the item to the right of this (1/2/3/4) Ammo.

Powder Keg

Medium | Weapon Damage Burn

Cooldown: 20 Seconds.

Deal damage equal to (30%/40%/50%) of your enemy's Max Health and destroy this.

When you Burn, charge this 2 second(s).

Power Drill

Medium | Weapon Tool Slow Burn Freeze

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/80/160) damage.

When you Haste, Slow, Freeze, Burn or Poison, charge this 1 second(s).

Power Sander

Small | Tool Shield Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Adjacent weapons gain (3/6/9/12) damage for the fight.

Adjacent Shield items gain (3/6/9/12) Shield for the fight.


Small | Weapon Damage Slow

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal 12 damage.

When you Slow, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Propane Tank

Medium | Tool Burn Haste

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Haste your Vehicles for (3/4/5) second(s).

Burn both players (4/6/8).

If you have a Vehicle, at the start of each fight, use this.


Medium | Aquatic Friend Poison Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Poison 6.

When you Haste, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).

Pulse Rifle

Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) damage.

This has +1 Multicast if it is adjacent to a Friend. Double this if it is your only Friend.

Pygmalien's Dagger

Medium | Weapon Damage Economy Value

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal damage equal to (1x/2x) this item's value.

When you sell an item, this gains (1/2) value.

Pyg's Gym

Large | Property Economy Health Value Damage

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Your weapons gain Damage equal to this item's value for the fight.

When you buy a weapon, this gains (1/2/3) value and you gain (20/50/100) max health.


Large | Property Slow Haste

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Slow 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s).

When you Slow, Haste an item for (1/2/3) second(s).


Medium | Shield Haste Burn

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield (75/150).

When you gain Burn, Haste your items (1/2) second(s).

Race Carl

Medium | Friend Weapon Vehicle Damage Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal 60 damage

When you Haste, charge this (1/2/3) seconds.


Large | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Deal (100/200/400) damage.

When you use the Core or a Ray, charge this 3 second(s).

Rainbow Potion

Small | Potion Burn Poison Freeze Slow

Cooldown: 7 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Burn (4/6).

Poison (2/3).

Freeze 1 item for (2/3) second(s).

Slow 1 item for (4/6) second(s).


Medium | Tool Ammo

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Reload adjacent items with Ammo (1/2/3) Ammo and Haste them (1/2/3) second(s).

Red Gumball

Small | Damage

Passive Item.

When you sell this, your weapons gain (1/2/3/4) damage.

Red Piggles A

Small | Damage

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Give your adjacent weapons (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.

Red Piggles L

Small | Damage

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Give your weapon to the left of this (+4/+8/+12/+16) damage for the fight.

Red Piggles R

Small | Damage

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Give your weapon to the right of this (+4/+8/+12/+16) damage for the fight.

Red Piggles X

Small | Damage

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Your weapons gain (1/2/3/4) damage for the fight.


Medium | Weapon Damage Poison Burn Slow

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Deal 20 damage.

When you Slow, Freeze, Burn or Poison, this gains (10/20/30) damage for the fight.

Regal Blade

Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) damage.

When you sell a Weapon, this gains (10/20/30/40) damage.

Remote Control

Small | Tool

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Use the Core.


Medium | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 6 Seconds. 6 Ammo.

Deal 60 damage.

When you use another item with Ammo, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).


Small | Weapon Damage Crit Ammo

Cooldown: 3 Seconds. 6 Ammo.

Crit Chance 20%

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

When you Crit, reload 2 Ammo.

Rewards Card

Small | Value

Passive Item.

When you visit a Merchant, this and the item to the left of this gains (1/2/3/4) value.


Medium | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 2 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

When you use this, reload this 1 Ammo if it is your only weapon.

Ritual Dagger

Small | Weapon Damage Active

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Lifesteal 100

Deal (14/20/28/40) damage.

Rivet Gun

Small | Weapon Tool Damage Charge

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Deal (20/40) Damage.

When you use the item to the right of this, Charge the item to the left of this (1/2) second(s).


Medium | Shield

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield (5/10/15).

When you Shield, your Shield items gain (1/2/3) Shield for the fight.

Robotic Factory

Large | Property

Passive Item.

Your Friends have +1 Multicast.

Rocket Boots

Medium | Tool Haste

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Haste adjacent items for (1/2/3/4) second(s).

When you sell this, give your leftmost Haste item (+1/+2/+3/+4) Haste.

Rocket Launcher

Medium | Weapon Burn Burn Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Multicast 3

Deal (10/20/40) damage.

Burn (2/4/6).

Rolling Pin

Medium | Weapon Tool Damage Haste

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) Damage

When this gains haste, give it (+10/+20/+40/+80) damage for the fight.


Medium | Aquatic Vehicle Haste

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Haste your Small items for (1/2) second(s).

When you use an adjacent Aquatic item, Haste this (1/2) second(s).


Small | Burn

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Burn (4/6/8).

Increase your other items' Burn by 2.

Rune Axe

Small | Weapon Damage Damage

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Deal (15/30/60/120) damage.

When you sell this, your weapons gain (+1/+2/+3/+4) Damage.

Runic Double Bow

Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Lifesteal 100

Crit Chance 10%

Deal (10/20/40/80) Damage.

This deals double Crit damage.

Runic Great Axe

Large | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Lifesteal 100

Deal (20/40/60/80) damage.

Your Weapons with lifesteal gain (+20/+40/+60/+80) damage for the fight.


Medium | Economy

Passive Item.

When you sell this, get 3 Spare Change.

Salamander Pup

Medium | Friend Burn

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Burn (4/6/8/10).

When you sell this, your leftmost Burn item gains (+3/+4/+5/+6) Burn.


Small | Freeze

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Freeze 1 item for (3/4/5) second(s).

Increase your other items' Freeze by 1 second(s).


Medium | Tool Ammo Regen

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Reload a potion.

You have (4/8/12) Regeneration.

When you buy a Potion, increase the Regeneration this item gives by (1/2/3).


Medium | Crit Charge

Passive Item.

Your tools and vehicles have (25%/50%) Crit Chance.

When you use a Tool, Charge a Vehicle (1/2) second(s).


Small | Shield

Passive Item.

When you sell this, give your leftmost Shield item (+3/+6/+12/+24) Shield.

Scrap Metal

Medium | Cooldown

Passive Item.

When you sell this, upgrade The Core. (/and reduce its cooldown by 1 second(s).)


Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal damage equal to a third of your enemy's max health.

Sea Shell

Small | Aquatic Shield

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Shield (5/10/20/40) for each Aquatic item you have.


Small | Aquatic Heal

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Heal (10/20/40/80).

When you use an Aquatic item, this gains (+5/+10/+15/+20) Heal for the fight.

Security Camera

Medium | Crit Shield

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Shield (20/40/80/160).

Your Shield items have (+20%/+30%/+40%/+50%) Crit Chance.


Medium | Aquatic Tool Crit Haste

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Haste 1 item for 3 second(s).

Adjacent items have (+15%/+30%/+50%) Crit Chance.

When you Crit, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).

Shadowed Cloak

Medium | Haste Damage

Passive Item.

When you use the item to the right of this, Haste it for (1/2/3/4) second(s). If it is a weapon, it also gains (+3/+5/+7/+9) damage for the fight.


Medium | Aquatic Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

Your Weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.


Medium | Aquatic Weapon Friend Damage Haste

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40) damage.

When you Haste, this gains (10/20/40) damage for the fight.

Sharpening Stone

Small | Damage

Passive Item.

When you sell this, your leftmost Weapon gains (5/10/15) Damage.

Shield Potion

Small | Potion Shield Ammo

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Shield (40/80/150/300).


Large | Economy

Passive Item.

When you sell this, get 3 Small items from any hero.


Large | Aquatic Vehicle

Passive Item.

Your Aquatic items have +1 Multicast.

Shoe Blade

Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Crit Chance (15%/30%/50%/100%)

Deal (10/20/40/80) damage.


Medium | Weapon Tool Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal (20/40/80/160) damage.

At the start of each day, get a small item from any hero.

Signet Ring

Small | Income Health

Passive Item.

At the start of each hour, gain (10/20/30) Max Health.

You have (+1/+2/+3) Income.


Small | Damage Cooldown

Passive Item.

The weapon to the left of this has (+10/+20/+30/+50) damage.

If you have exactly one weapon, reduce its cooldown by (10%/20%/30%/40%).


Medium | Shield

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Shield (10/20/40/80).

When you sell another non-weapon item, this gains Shield (4/8/12/16).

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Destroy a small enemy item for the fight.


Medium | Haste Slow

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Slow 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s).

Haste 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s).

For each adjacent Vehicle, this has +1 Multicast.


Large | Property Weapon Damage Value Economy

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal damage equal to 3 time(s) the value of your items.

This has double value in combat.

If you have 4 or fewer items in play, this has +1 Multicast.

Sleeping Potion

Small | Potion Ammo Slow

Cooldown: 5 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Slow 2 items for (4/6/8/10) second(s).


Small | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Deal (15/30/60/120) damage.

This has (+1/+2/+3/+4) Max Ammo for each small item you have. [0]

Sniper Rifle

Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal 100 damage.

This deals (3/5/10) times more damage if it is your only weapon.

Snow Globe

Medium | Property Freeze

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Freeze 1 item for (1/2/3) second(s).

This has +1 Multicast for each adjacent Property.

Passive Item.

When you sell this, give your leftmost Freeze item +1 second to Freeze.

Solar Farm

Large | Property Haste Burn Regen

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Haste your other items for 2 second(s).

Gain 8 Regeneration for the fight.

When you Burn, charge this for (1/2/3) seconds.

Soldering Gun

Small | Tool Burn

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Burn (1/2/3).

This has +1 Multicast if it is adjacent to a Friend.

This has +1 Multicast if it is adjacent to a Tool.

Soul of the District

Medium | Weapon Shield Damage

Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Shield equal to your current Health.

Deal damage equal to your shield.

Soul Ring

Small | Poison Regen

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Poison equal to your Regeneration.

You have (+1/+2/+3) Regeneration.


Large | Property Shield Economy Value

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield equal to (2/3) time(s) the value of your items.

This has triple value in combat.

Spare Change

Small | Economy

Passive Item.

Sells for gold


Small | Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 8 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Your weapons gain damage equal to your weakest weapon's damage for the fight. [0]

Spiked Buckler

Medium | Weapon Damage Shield

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) damage.

Shield (10/20/40/80).

When you sell this, your leftmost item gains (+4/+6/+8/+10) Damage if it is a Weapon and (+4/+6/+8/+10) Shield if it is a Shield item.

Spiky Shield

Medium | Weapon Damage Shield

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Shield (5/10/20/40).

Deal damage equal to your shield.


Medium | Tool Crit Cooldown

Passive Item.

Adjacent items have (+25%/+50%) Crit Chance.

At the start of each fight, an enemy item has its cooldown increased by (3/6) second(s).

Stained Glass Window

Medium | Property Value

Passive Item.

When you win a fight with Stained Glass Window in play, your Properties in play gain (4/6) value.

When you lose a fight with Stained Glass Window in play, your Properties in play lose 2 value.

If you have 4 or fewer items in play, their cooldowns are reduced by (10%/20%).

Star Chart

Medium | Tool Cooldown Crit

Passive Item.

Adjacent items have (+10%/+15%/+20%/+25%) Crit Chance.

Adjacent items have their cooldown reduced by (10%/15%/20%/25%).


Small | Weapon Damage Slow

Cooldown: 9 Seconds.

Lifesteal 100

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

Slow 1 item for (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Small | Tool Freeze

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Freeze both players' items for (1/2) second(s).


Large | Aquatic Weapon Vehicle Damage Shield

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Deal (25/50/100) damage.

Gain Shield equal to this item's damage.


Large | Property Heal Value Economy

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Heal equal to (4/6) time(s) the value of your items.

Your other items gain +value equal to this item's value in combat.


Small | Heal

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Heal (1/2/3/4).

This permanently gains (1/2/3/4) Heal.


Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

Your enemy's Shield items lose (5/10/15/20) Shield for the fight.

Sunlight Spear

Medium | Heal Burn

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Heal (30/60/120).

Burn 1.

When you Heal, this gains (2/4/6) Burn for the fight.

Super Syrup

Medium | Food Crit Ammo

Cooldown: 4 Seconds. 10 Ammo.

Adjacent items permanently gain (1%/2%/3%/4%) Crit chance.

This permanently loses 1 Max Ammo and destroy this if it has 0 Max Ammo.

Swash Buckle

Medium | Crit Damage Heal Shield

Passive Item.

Adjacent items have (+25%/+50%) Crit Chance.

Adjacent items have bonus damage, heal, or shield equal to their Crit Chance.


Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Deal (15/30/60/120) damage.

When you use an adjacent Weapon, give it (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.

Tazidian Dagger

Small | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/15/20) damage.

Adjacent Potions have +1 Ammo.

Tea Set

Medium | Health Heal

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Heal equal to (4%/8%) of your Max Health.

When you use a non-weapon item, permanently gain (+2/+4) Max Health.


Medium | Weapon Friend Damage

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Deal 100 damage.

When you use an adjacent Friend or item with Ammo, charge this 1 second(s).

When you take damage or lose shield, this gains 5% Crit Chance for the fight.

Temporary Shelter

Large | Property Shield

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield (10/20/40/80).

When you sell a Small item, this gains (5/10/15/20) Shield.

Tesla Coil

Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal 60 damage.

When you use an adjacent item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Medium | Shield Heal

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Shield (10/20/40/80).

Heal equal to your Shield.

The Boulder

Large | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 20 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Deal damage equal to your enemy's max health.

The Core

Medium | Core Weapon Unsellable Damage Charge

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) damage.

Charge all items to the right of this 1 second(s).

When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s).

The Eclipse

Large | Weapon Vehicle Damage

Cooldown: 15 Seconds.

Use all your other items.

When you use an item, deal 100 damage.

The first time you fall below half health each fight, use this.

Thermal Lance

Medium | Burn Haste

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Burn (2/4/6).

When this gains Haste, this gains (2/4/6) Burn for the fight.

Passive Item.

When you sell this, gain access to the Thieves Guild.

Throwing Knives

Small | Weapon Damage Crit Ammo

Cooldown: 3 Seconds. 3 Ammo.

Deal 33 damage.

When you Crit with another item, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).

Thrown Net

Medium | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Deal (5/10/15) damage.

Your Weapons gain (2/3/4) damage for the fight and your opponent's Weapons lose (2/3/4) damage for the fight.


Small | Burn Cooldown

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn both players (2/3/4/5).

Adjacent items have their cooldowns reduced by (6%/9%/12%/15%).


Small | Tool Regen Burn

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Burn (4/6/8/10).

Gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration for the fight.

Tiny Cutlass

Small | Weapon Damage Crit

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Deal (6/12/24/48) damage.

This deals double Crit damage.

Tommoo Gun

Small | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 2 Seconds. 50 Ammo.

Deal damage equal to this item's ammo.


Medium | Tool Shield Cooldown

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield (10/30/50/100).

Your other tools have their cooldowns reduced by (5%/10%/15%/20%).


Medium | Aquatic Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 10 Seconds. 1 Ammo.

Deal (50/100/200) damage.

When you use another Aquatic or item with Ammo, this gains (20/40/60) damage for the fight.

If the item is Large, Reload 1 Ammo.

Tourist Chariot

Large | Vehicle Shield Value

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Shield (20/40/80/160).

When you sell this, your items gain (+1/+2/+3/+4) value.

Trained Spider

Small | Friend Poison

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Poison (1/2/3/4).

When you sell this, your leftmost Poison item gains (+1/+2/+3/+4) Poison.


Large | Weapon Burn Damage Haste

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Deal 50 damage.

Burn 7.

When you use another Weapon or Haste, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).


Medium | Slow

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Slow 1 item for 1 second(s).

When your enemy uses an item, Charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s)

Tropical Island

Large | Property Aquatic Regen Slow

Passive Item.

When you Slow, gain (2/4) Regeneration for the fight.

At the start of each hour, get a Coconut or Citrus.

Turtle Shell

Medium | Aquatic Shield

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield 10.

Give your Shield items +10 Shield for the fight.

When you use another non-weapon, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).

Tusked Helm

Small | Weapon Damage Shield

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.

Shield (5/10/20/40).

Passive Item.

When you sell this, upgrade your leftmost item.

Uwashiwali Bird

Small | Friend Heal

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Heal (10/20/40/80).

This has +1 Multicast for each Property you have. [0]


Small | Weapon Damage Ammo

Cooldown: 2 Seconds. 12 Ammo.

Deal (2/4/8/16) damage.

Vanessa's Amulet

Small | Crit

Passive Item.

Your items have (+10%/+20%/+30%/+40%) Crit Chance.

Vending Machine

Medium | Property

Passive Item.

At the start of each day, get 3 Chocolate Bars or Spare Changes.


Small | Poison

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Poison 2.

When you use an adjacent Weapon, Charge this (1/2/3) second(s).


Small | Friend Poison Regen

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Poison (1/2/3/4).

Gain (1/2/3/4) Regeneration for the fight.

Vial of Blood

Small | Experience

Passive Item.

When you sell this, gain (1/2/3) XP.


Large | Property Heal Economy Value

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Heal equal to this item's value.

When you use another item, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).

At the start of each hour, this gains (+1/+2/+3) value.


Small | Poison

Cooldown: 12 Seconds.

Poison (1/2/3).

Destroy another small item on each player's board for the fight.

When you destroy an item, this gains (5/10/15) Poison for the fight.

Void Ray

Medium | Burn Shield

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Multicast 2

Burn (4/6).

When you Shield, this gains (1/2) Burn for the fight.

Void Shield

Medium | Burn Shield

Cooldown: 7 Seconds.

Gain Shield equal to your enemy's burn.

When your enemy uses an item, Burn 1.


Small | Friend Shield

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Shield (5/10/15/20).

This gains (5/10/15/20) Shield for the fight.

Walter Cooler

Small | Friend Health

Cooldown: 10 Seconds.

Permanently gain (5/10/15/20) Max Health.

When you use an adjacent friend, charge this 1 second(s).


Small | Charge

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Charge your other non-weapon items (1/2) second(s).

Wanted Poster

Medium | Crit Experience

Passive Item.

When you win a fight against a player, gain (1/2/3) XP. If you had Wanted Poster in play, gain 1 additional XP.

Your items have (10%/20%/30%) Crit Chance.


Large | Aquatic Property Haste

Cooldown: 8 Seconds.

Haste your other items for 2 second(s).

When you use an adjacent item, charge this (1/2/3) second(s).

Weakpoint Detector

Medium | Tool Damage Slow Charge

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Your weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.

When you slow, charge this 2 second(s).

Weaponized Core

Medium | Core Weapon Unsellable Damage Charge

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Deal (10/20/40/80) damage.

Give Weapons to the right of this (+5/+10/+15/+20) damage for the fight.

When you use any item to the left of this, Charge this 1 second(s).

Weather Glass

Medium | Tool Burn Poison Slow Freeze

Cooldown: 6 Seconds.

Burn (4/6/8).

Poison (2/3/4).

If you have another item with Burn, Poison, Slow, or Freeze, this has +1 Multicast for each.

Weather Machine

Large | Vehicle Property Tool Burn Freeze

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Burn (4/5).

Freeze 1 item for (1/2) second(s).

Slow 1 item for (2/3) second(s).


Medium | Tool Damage Heal Charge

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Your weapons gain (+5/+10/+15/+20) Damage and your Heal items gain (+5/+10/+15/+20) Heal for the fight.

When you heal while at max health, charge this 2 second(s).

Welding Helmet

Medium | Shield Burn

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Shield (6/12/24/48).

Burn (1/2/3/5).

Welding Torch

Medium | Tool Burn Shield

Cooldown: 5 Seconds.

Burn (4/6/8/10).

While you have Shield, this item's cooldown is reduced by 50%.


Large | Property Charge

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Charge adjacent items 1 second.

When you use another item, Charge this 1 second.


Small | Weapon Tool Damage

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Deal (10/20) damage.

At the start of each day, upgrade a Tool of a lower tier.

Yellow Gumball

Small | Shield

Passive Item.

When you sell this, your Shield items gain (1/2/3/4) Shield.

Yellow Piggles A

Small | Shield

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Give your adjacent Shield items (+2/+4/+6/+8) Shield for the fight.

Yellow Piggles L

Small | Shield

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Give your Shield item to the left of this (+4/+8/+12/+16) Shield for the fight.

Yellow Piggles R

Small | Shield

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Give your Shield item to the right of this (+4/+8/+12/+16) Shield for the fight.

Yellow Piggles X

Small | Shield

Cooldown: 3 Seconds.

Your Shield items gain (1/2/3/4) Shield for the fight.


Small | Weapon Damage

Cooldown: 4 Seconds.

Deal 1 damage.

When you use an adjacent item, charge this (1/2/3/4) second(s).