Shadowed Cloak (Item) | The Bazaar

Information on the Shadowed Cloak Item from The Bazaar.

Shadowed Cloak

Medium | Haste Damage

Passive Item.

When you use the item to the right of this, Haste it for (1/2/3/4) second(s). If it is a weapon, it also gains (+3/+5/+7/+9) damage for the fight.

Shadowed Cloak Item Enchantments
  • HeavyWhen you use the item to the right of this, Slow 1 item for 3 second(s).
  • IcyWhen you use the item to the right of this, Freeze 1 item for 1 second(s).
  • TurboThis has double Haste duration.
  • ShieldedWhen you use the item to the right of this, shield 20.
  • RestorativeWhen you use the item to the right of this, heal 30.
  • FieryWhen you use the item to the right of this, burn 3.

Shadowed Cloak is a Medium Common Item with the types: Haste, Damage. Shadowed Cloak has these abilities:

When you use the item to the right of this, Haste it for (1/2/3/4) second(s). If it is a weapon, it also gains (+3/+5/+7/+9) damage for the fight.

Its a passive item (No timed active effects on a cooldown). Its lowest possible item tier is Bronze.

It can drop from the following enemies: