Loan Shark (Enemy) | The Bazaar
Information on the Loan Shark Enemy in The Bazaar.
Loan Shark
Crashing Waves : When you use an Aquatic item, Haste a weapon for (1/2) second(s).
Power Broker : Your weapons have + damage equal to (1x/2x) your income.
- [M] Sharkray : Deal (10/20/40) damage. When you Haste, this gains (10/20/40) damage for the fight.
- [M] Sharkclaws : Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. Your Weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.
- [M] Sharkclaws : Deal (5/10/20/40) damage. Your Weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.
- [M] ATM : Shield equal to (1/2/3/4) time(s) your Income. When you buy this, gain (+1/+2/+3/+5) Income.
- [M] Cash Cannon : Deal (50/100/200) damage. When you gain gold, this gains + damage equal to (1x/2x/3x) the amount of gold gained.
Loan Shark is an Enemy in The Bazaar which can appear from Day 6.
Loan Shark Detailed View
Loan Shark Skills (Detailed)
Crashing Waves
When you use an Aquatic item, Haste a weapon for (1/2) second(s).
Loan Shark Items (Detailed)
Cooldown: 7 Seconds.
Deal (10/20/40) damage.
When you Haste, this gains (10/20/40) damage for the fight.
Cooldown: 4 Seconds.
Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.
Your Weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.
Cooldown: 4 Seconds.
Deal (5/10/20/40) damage.
Your Weapons gain (+3/+6/+9/+12) damage for the fight.
Cooldown: 3 Seconds.
Shield equal to (1/2/3/4) time(s) your Income.
When you buy this, gain (+1/+2/+3/+5) Income.
Cash Cannon
Cooldown: 6 Seconds.
Deal (50/100/200) damage.
When you gain gold, this gains + damage equal to (1x/2x/3x) the amount of gold gained.