Techno Virus (Enemy) | The Bazaar
Information on the Techno Virus Enemy in The Bazaar.
Techno Virus
Flanking Toxins : The first time you use a Large item each fight, adjacent Poison items gain (4/6/8) Poison for the fight.
- [S] Crypto : At the start of each hour, set this item's value to a number between 0 and (5/10/20/40).
- [S] Nitro : Burn both players (4/6/8). Charge an item (1/2/3) second(s).
- [S] Virus : Poison (1/2/3). Destroy another small item on each player's board for the fight. When you destroy an item, this gains (5/10/15) Poison for the fight.
- [L] Solar Farm : Haste your other items for 2 second(s). Gain 8 Regeneration for the fight. When you Burn, charge this for (1/2/3) seconds.
- [S] Virus : Poison (1/2/3). Destroy another small item on each player's board for the fight. When you destroy an item, this gains (5/10/15) Poison for the fight.
- [S] Crypto : At the start of each hour, set this item's value to a number between 0 and (5/10/20/40).
Techno Virus is an Enemy in The Bazaar which can appear from Day 4.
Techno Virus Detailed View
Techno Virus Skills (Detailed)
Flanking Toxins
The first time you use a Large item each fight, adjacent Poison items gain (4/6/8) Poison for the fight.
Techno Virus Items (Detailed)
Passive Item.
At the start of each hour, set this item's value to a number between 0 and (5/10/20/40).
Cooldown: 4 Seconds.
Burn both players (4/6/8).
Charge an item (1/2/3) second(s).
Cooldown: 12 Seconds.
Poison (1/2/3).
Destroy another small item on each player's board for the fight.
When you destroy an item, this gains (5/10/15) Poison for the fight.
Solar Farm
Cooldown: 8 Seconds.
Haste your other items for 2 second(s).
Gain 8 Regeneration for the fight.
When you Burn, charge this for (1/2/3) seconds.
Cooldown: 12 Seconds.
Poison (1/2/3).
Destroy another small item on each player's board for the fight.
When you destroy an item, this gains (5/10/15) Poison for the fight.
Passive Item.
At the start of each hour, set this item's value to a number between 0 and (5/10/20/40).